A response to a NEOFEMINIST - the third wave feminism

in #feminism6 years ago (edited)

With this post I have no other intention than objectivity and the seek of truth on the subject of feminism in postmodernity, I do not seek to offend or damage the image of anyone who believes in feminism since I believe in feminism. I wrote this post with the intention to replay another post in Spanish "https://steemit.com/spanish/@teresarod/que-es-not-feminism" This is the english version of my reply.

Ilustration by @Kookyan - Fuente

The feminist chronology.

The post states:

The first Feminist Wave, which corresponds to enlightened feminism and was born from the French Revolution, the main demand and struggle of this stage was that women should be conceived as citizens, with civil rights equal to men, the right to vote and to education, and also be part of the political sphere.

Indeed, feminism dates back to the age of enlightenment. Let us remember that it was the century of lights, the century where the feminist question was addressed, the nature of women, the hierarchy regarding sex, among others. Influential authors of critical thinking in the discourse on feminism of the time would become Rousseau and Mary Wollstonecraft.

This first-wave feminism extended until the beginning of the 20th century, around the 1930s, and is known as the Suffragist Movement, which sought equal voting rights for men and women. The abolition of slavery ended up disappointing women, as racial equality never extended to gender equality, feminist movements disassociated themselves from those of the abolitionists.

Even so, after great struggles and efforts, women managed to obtain the right to vote in England by 1918, only for women over 30 years of age, in 1929 the age of vote for women was equal to that of the men. In the United States, this was achieved with the 19th Amendment of 1920, which granted voting rights to all women in all states of the country, and this ended up having repercussions throughout Europe, obtaining more voting rights for women.

In the post is argued:

Was it achieved? There were some changes, but they were the exception, not the rule. Some women, especially from high society, benefited and began to receive education at home, but in general, women continued to be dedicated exclusively to domestic work (in precarious and poorly paid conditions), home care and childcare.

This is not entirely true and at the same time, it is a little disappointing that the efforts of such brave and incredible women who fought in a time of obscurantism to improve the condition of women's lives are not taken into account. Those were difficult times, yes, but women were able toget access to universities and become part of the academic community. Changes were achieved and it was suggested that women were able to do the same jobs as men during wartime, which would end up influencing the second wave movement.

The second wave of the feminist movement dates back to the 1960s and extends into the late 1980s. It focused on overcoming the legal obstacles faced by women, focused on equal rights regarding the law and on women's capacities to work, also addressed issues such as sexuality and family, as well as homosexuality. This movement was more successful due to organizations such as the National Organization for Women (NOW), WEAL and PCSW, and discrimination in the workplace with respect to sex becomes illegal. Thanks to the media, this movement became viral and more and more men joined in the social demands of women. The golden age of feminism.

The author of the text says:

But the 3rd Feminist Wave is considered by many to be "unnecessary and violent", some insist that this stage is characterized by hatred of the masculine gender and seeks the supremacy of women over men

The third and most controversial of all, 3rd wave feminism began in the 1990s and has spread to the present day. It emerged as a response to the "failures" of second-wave feminism, for this feminism there is not only a focus on women, but multiple, social, ethnic, and also religious, among others approaches. So this current movement moves away from essentialism and the definition of femininity. Something that characterizes this neo-feminism is its relationship with Marxism and the influence of cultural Marxism on it. This influence is seen in the gender and sex interpretations, which are of great importance to the movement, which is characterized by its post-structuralist character.

Given its influence on the neo-Marxist theory of the struggle of the oppressed against the oppressor, brought to the cultural level, where the game will no longer focus on the struggle of the proletariat against the entrepreneur but, in oppressed groups, "minorities", women according to this theory women are oppressed by society, the excuse of "patriarchy" in a moment where more rights and more privileges have been granted to women than ever before, and who constitutes the patriarchy? All those who oppose the ideals of third wave feminism.

To begin with, I must make it clear that the cause of feminism for social equality is one of the most important and righteous movements in the history of humanity, but this new feminism has many errors within that do not allow me to associate myself with the movement.


  • Equality of outcomes and not Equity.

Feminism is a movement that has always sought equal opportunities for men and women throughout its history from the 17th century to 1980. The noble cause of women's emancipation became a victim, if we look at initiatives such as the wage gap or lack of equality of senior corporate positions it is quite clear that feminist ideology establishes a utopian world where men and women are qualified and gifted in the same way, make the same decisions, and will be equally represented in all aspects, we will realize that their approach is not a real one that fits a policy of realism. According to this line of thinking, anything that is not equal in terms of men and women means that there are cases of discrimination occurring. To find out more about this I recommend you to read this post written by me about the gender wage gap.

Men and women make decisions based on their preferences, but it seems that feminism seeks to impose on the society that each one has to be, like any other branch influenced by Marxism. If you don't believe what I'm telling you there is a documentary called "The Paradox of Equality" that speaks very well of how women, even though they have all the freedoms of choice, still prefer to work more in the area of organic matter and living beings, such as pediatrics, veterinary medicine, nursing, etc.

Equity refers to equal opportunities that must be guaranteed for all citizens. All citizens are able to decide for themselves what acts to commit even if these are not the right ones according to this neo-feminism.

  • Political identity

Assuming the way third wave feminists talk about their "issues" they imply that they are speaking for all women and that it is these kinds of radicals who really get media attention.

Being a woman does not mean being a collectivist, the problem with this postmodernist ideology is its separation from the individual and its collectivist character of believing that it is the only one that can really solve problems in the way it is presented from this perspective. Women are individuals with different beliefs and different opinions are not a collective with the same beliefs and opinions.
  • The contradiction of solidarity.

This "collectivist" feminism preaches about brotherhood and solidarity between women as long as the same line of thought is followed, when this does not happen these defenders start to attack women who do not have the same opinions as them reluctantly. Feminists only want to help women as long as they have the same opinions as they do, and that's where the mistake is, third wave feminism is not made to be pro-women, it's made to be pro-ideology.

  • The destruction of the Family.

This is not something that is impregnated, I mean that it is not part of the ideology of the third wave but it is something visible within the rhetoric of many feminist groups, such as the Argentine or the Spanish one. To be honest, this is one of the most dangerous parts of modern feminism. For both men and women, marriage and having a baby have been shown to reduce poverty and delinquency rates.

Many feminists use this anti-marriage rhetoric to make women believe that marriage and having a child is a waste of time and that everything should be based on the empowerment of women.

All women must have the capacity to choose to continue their working life or to be mothers, we should not pressure them to make this decision or that, to be a mother, to raise a child, to stay at home and to be a wife does not mean that women do not have power, the role of women is the most important role in my opinion at the time of the education and upbringing of new generations, without our mothers what would we be?

Not to mention how groups of women support this type of movement that ends up creating such severe psychological damage to their children in order for the child to assume before a camera to be of another gender, or to be trans.

This is a spanish feminist adoctrinating and young little girl to say that she's "trans"

Back to the post, it says:

I don't know if you notice it, but the world has evolved thanks to globalization, therefore, the problems of the 60's are not the same problems of today and that applies to all aspects and social groups. However, in the specific case of feminism, the main problem never ceased to exist: Women were always and continue to be seen as "the weaker sex", "the housewives", "the unprotected" and yes, we could already study, in some cases work... But the most important thing in any woman's life should be to look for a good man to provide everything and to have children, otherwise, she would not be a complete woman.

This argument is not entirely true, the fact that women's roles are due to biological factors rather than social factors. But even so, if it is true that women are discriminated against in the world of work, this graph shows the opposite:


The graph shows that the active population regarding women over the age of 15 has been increasing in many countries of the world and the curious thing about this is that not only in developed or better value nations but also in third world countries.

The author states:

During the first and second Wave, there was no doubt about what the role of women was, not even a doubt among women, the inherent role of the female sex was to serve the man and the family. But, the third wave and its approaches break with it, seeks to spread the message that women and men are equal, women and men can do the same things and not as a concession from men to women, but because we are autonomous and owners of ourselves.

This simply reaffirms my theory of equality over equity.

And then says:

Fact: If we review the statistics and violent crimes in any country of the world (homicide, aggression), we will see that the cases in which the woman is the victimizer and the man the victim are minimal, almost imperceptible figures, and if we review among those cases, which are causes associated with sex, we will find that they are even less, most of them correspond to self-defense for violence previously reported by women. While femicide, rape, mistreatment, human trafficking, among others, are common crimes of machismo and misogyny, even associated with international mafias.

Let's see, according to a global study on homicide by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), published in 2014, 95% of homicides at the international level are committed against men, that is, every 1 in 7 men is a homicide victim.

The same thing also happens when we talk about violent crimes, the percentage of men who are victims of violent crimes is higher than that of women in the United States, here you can see the graph from 2005 to 2016:


Here are two more detailed studies on the issues:

Let's move on to the next argument.

But are hate groups the generality within the feminist movement? No, they're not. They're not. Just as the kukluxklan was not the generality on the right, nor ISIS the generality among Muslims, and has been repudiated by the collective, so too, a hate group that promotes violence on the basis of feminism, that proclaims the extermination of man, would be repudiated, even by much of the feminist movement.

This is absolutely true, we cannot generalize when talking about a particular group, given that it would be a fallacy by precipitate generalization, however, unlike groups like ISIS or the KKK that did not have or has a space, where they are allowed to spread their hate rhetoric, radical groups of the third wave of feminism yes, the violent protests, censorship and false accusations that were made against the cast of "the red phill" and "silenced", making these documentaries that spoke about true facts about how men also suffered from rape and harassment were suspended from more than 9 cinemas and automatically beetle with film festivals. This shows the extent to which these radical groups can reach, and as I mentioned earlier, they speak on behalf of all women collectively, without taking into account the interests of each individual. They are simply a group of authoritarian radicals who stain the face of feminism. So yes, they end up discrediting the third wave movement. There's no need to excuse him.

Feminism does not see women only as victims, feminism sees women as people capable, capable of supporting themselves, of having sexual and economic freedom, capable of deciding about their bodies, capable of deciding whether to marry or remain single, whether to have children or not, capable of exercising any profession they wish, capable of deciding about their lives independently, in short, what we call empowerment.

"Victim", when the author mentions that feminism does not want to see itself as a victim, what about the case of the man who was arrested for the denunciation of a girl who was "cyber-raped"? or the case of a McDonald's security officer who was accused of sexual harassment for saying goodbye to a woman? Thanks to this feminism and its apology for victimization, the term rape has been urbanized by a group of girls who use it without knowing the connotations and implications of the term. And one thing that is totally curious to me is how in the last 30 years more institutions for women's empowerment have been created than institutions that have been created to promote human rights or provide education assistance to poor children.

To warp up, feminism is a movement that was born to seek equity before equality, it is impossible not to give credit to all the brave women who fought to empower women to their present situation, but it is a great misfortune that people have been submerged under the yoke of ignorance and support this totally irrational and victimizing doctrine. Instead of fighting for equity around the world, it has focused on the collective empowerment of a given sector of society.

Finally, a video of Lauren Southern talking about equality between men and women from the feminist perspective of the Third Wave.

When Everything Changed: The Amazing Journey of American Women from 1960 to the Present - Gail Collins
El libro negro de la nueva izquierda -Agustín Laje
The American Women's Movement, 1945-2000: A Brief History with Documents - Nancy MacLean
Sisterhood Is Forever: The Women's Anthology for a New Millennium -Robin Morgan
Dead Feminists: Historic Heroines in Living Color - Chandler O'Leary and Jessica Spring
Teoría feminista, de la Ilustración a la globalización
Christina H. Sommers: "La tercera ola del feminismo se construye con mentiras"
Cerca de 95% de los homicidas en todo el mundo son hombres... ¿Por qué las mujeres matan menos?
Modern Times: Camille Paglia & Jordan B Peterson
Roda Viva Internacional - Camille Paglia

If you are committed to the truth and want to get away from the conventional media I invite you to come over and be part of - @informationwar

Young student of modern languages at the Central University of Venezuela (UCV). I believe truth is the only path to success for our society. I have a long-term relationship with Philosophy, politics, and economy.

Thanks for reading!

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