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RE: Grandpa Gotta Cook—Mexican Casserole

in #fff5 years ago

Being a California native, there’s two things that can’t be beat anywhere in the world when in comes to California—Mexican food and weed.

I agree, the steamed rice and tomato sauce make it seem a little more like a Spanish dish and a little less Mexican.

Nice to see you again @glenalbrethsen.


Hey, @dandays.

Nice to be seen. :)

I'll take you're word for it with the marijuana. I do know about the Mexican Food in California though, and I agree. While it's not quite what you get if you had relatives to visit in Mexico, it comes much closer to it than what we can get up here in Oregon, even with the rising Hispanic population. I guess if I lived in a larger urban area, that might change a little, but I don't want to live in a larger urban area. Otherwise, we might still be in California. :)

And living prices too—also tough to beat. Property taxes, vehicle registration, luxury tax, grocery items, sales tax—California is cream of the crop!

Well, that's a prime reason why we don't live there anymore. Unfortunately, Oregon's state government so desperately wants to follow California in every possible. So far we've managed to stave off the sales tax for decades, but eventually, they'll have that too. They can get a straw ban passed, and basically take the plastic bag ban state wide, it's only a matter of time they get the rest of what they want.

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