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RE: (Gangster Warning) What cha know about that? #FFF

in #fff5 years ago

Dang, I just said outloud to Dandays “where is weirdheadaches”. He said “what do you mean? He’s around. He just put up a great food fight Friday”. I said “damn, I totally missed it” and jumped right over to check it out. I’ll take the large veggies please. A good sandwich is always on my list of yummy lunches. Those red pepper flakes look like something is eat too. Haha… literally eating the sun. Happy food fight my friend. It’s good to see ya!


Buenos dias senorita, gracias 😊. Youd be hooked im telling ya, so addicting. Im pretty sure they get all there veggies from local grown farms also tehe. Hope everything going well on yalls end 😊, chow.

Nice Spanish mi amigo!! Haha… you know I’m all about the fresh veggies :).

¿Cómo va tu español?

How goes your Spanish? Mi espanol Es muy bueno y muy mal 🤓. We get to practice here a lot so that’s good. 🤷🏼‍♀️

Lol, yay for practice. I think i am going to start practicing more myself. It ties into my neuroplasticity crap i'm doing. I understand alot of it but have trouble w knowing all the words and writing.

Practice practice practice. I’ll speak Spanish with you anyway. Although I’m not that great yet but whatevs, at least we are practicing :)

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