Ten Of A KindsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #fiction6 years ago

Ten Of A Kind

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10 stretched away. He was lucky. He was one of the few with the space to do so. As if in response 2 from across the aisle stretched in sympathy, destabilizing 1 and 3 who were on either side of her.

zzz zzz

Hey, muttered 3, let me sleep. I rarely get time to rest so even if you don’t need it, I do.

Yes, said 8. Her eyes were closed and her shoulders and knees bent in relaxation. This feels so good.

Not to me. 5 beat a drum in the air, impatient to be doing something. What are we waiting for?

Word from above. That was 7, ever helpful.

zzz zzz snort! zzz

I don’t care if we have to wait forever. This is lovely. 1 snuggled deeper against 2.

Hey 2, why do you let that slacker always lean on you? 4 craned his neck . 1 never works and leaves the rest of us to do everything. 2 just smiled. She never talked.

10 doesn’t either, 6 chimed in. He’s always too busy standing apart admiring himself and leaving the rest of us to sweat.

zzz zzz zzz

At least I don’t go poking my head into everything.

If I didn’t, we would never eat. And at least I don’t go stirring up trouble for nothing.

Everyone else stiffened and stole glances at 8. She opened an eye which peered at 6 for a long moment. Then it closed. The rest relaxed.

Quiet, punctuated by 9's snores, reigned once more.


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