in #fiction6 years ago (edited)

# 111: Melvin - A Man's got to do..what a man's got to do.



Melvin had maneuvered the group of juvenile delinquents close to the grocery store while TigerMom and the JD’s avatars were busy ransacking it’s interior. The kids were good at following orders from Melvin and TigerMom....only.

“Just get enough to eat right now.” Melvin said “We’ll camp out on the roof for a while.”

The water was still rising but this particular building was on a hill. The roof was still above water and not all that large. This was a small country store with a wide variety of products. It should have what they needed.

Melvin felt like a tugboat pushing a string of barges. He ‘swam’ the ‘group’ of seriously distracted bodies near to the roof and waited. Soon the avatars began to surface. Oddly enough they could fly in air just as well as they could swim in the water.

TigerMom supervised. “Ok...are all the Drones on the roof?” Melvin asked.” Is Everyone there? Ok...return to your bodies!”

“Add that to the list of things I never thought I’d say” Melvin muttered to TigerMom. For obvious reasons she didn’t answer. She wasn’t in her body.

The kids acted for all the world as if they were waking up from a dream. Melvin, who oddly enough had been the only one not tele-operating a drone helped them. Finally everyone had climbed onto the building’s roof.

“Ok kids.” Melvin laughed at himself.” Here’s something else I’d never thought I’d say. ‘Lay them eggs.”

TigerMom caught on first. Her Avatar laid a small crystal egg made from condensed SSmoke. A Dragon Egg for sure and for certain.

“Bring me all the eggs please” Melvin asked. One of the little girls, in her body, not her avatar, did that. It was a small pile. Most of the eggs were small, not much larger than that of song birds.

“It’s a start” Melvin said “We can use this new SSmoke to make stuff.”

He did that.

TigerMom had foresight. She was, after all, a cook. Melvin would just as likely have eaten it right out of the can. Not her. Her Avatar had acquired the necessary cooking implements as well as a camp stove that run off propane. She used the SSmoke and appliance to construct an amazingly effective kitchen in no time. Then she began to cook.

The smells were maddening. Melvin thought he would go insane. He hadn’t realized how hungry he was. To avoid the mental anguish he tele-operated his drone back into the grocery store to get some beer.

A man has go to do what a man has got to do.

The Next Episode Is
#112: Henry Drake : meets BOB…
The Previous Episode was
#110: Melvin: No one can multitask…
The First Episode was
# 1 : Prologue…
Book One: SoulStone

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Well, after a hard and exhausting work day, a man has the duty and the right to drink a good beer before enjoying his meal. Well done by Melvin.

Wow.... Nice sir

I reading your full post. then I say to you it's wonderful

Always nice to have a beer with dinner when you can. I wish it was more often some days, but thats okay.

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