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RE: If you can't beat them...

in #fiction5 years ago

Does lying about the product you're selling, carry any moral weight...?
Is there a responsibility to tell the truth with the product you sell??

Or is truth subjective (as you stated your belief to be), and therefor there can be no lying, not really, just interpretations...A playground for the sociopath, without a doubt...

Survival of the fittest without moral code, is a very harsh one indeed.

A 'might is right', kinda of thing...?


Not once have I stated the truth to be subjective. I have said it is unknowable by a human. As you shouted yesterday, tell 'your' truth or similar.

Driving now.

don't drive and post, or you might hit a post...!

lol...if it is unknowable , then there is no objective truth with which to work

Therefor...if there is no objective truth, then .....(I'll let you complete the sentence with the logical conclusion, when you're not driving...)

Truth is singular. You can't know it as it is though. That truth is objective. You can't know it except from your perspective. "Your truth" is subjective no matter how much you think it is true. I think you are the one that sees truth as subjective.

Truth is singula.rYou can't know it as it is though

...what does that even mean? lol.

So lying (from your truth as you perceive it), is morally wrong?

Lets not get off track...

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