The Night Gods III- The Triumph of Evil: Chap. XVI- Damon's Confession & A New Age

in #fiction6 years ago

Artwork by @marty-art on Steemit... With many thanks!

Gwendolyn made her call to Damon Campbell the next day on her encrypted scramble phone... if anyone would reap the whirlwind from the call it would be Damon and not her... she was taking a big enough chance as it was. Damon was earnest and forthcoming, Gwendolyn could sense the fear in his voice as he spoke...

"I'm taking a big chance here, Miss Penrose," he said. "You could easily turn me in."

"I don't understand why you would contact me in the first place," she replied. "I have nothing whatever to do with my father and his activities."

"I know about your relationship with your father, that's why I called," Damon said. "I've been to your estate many times and know that you despise the things your father does... so do I believe it or not."

Damon went on to tell Gwendolyn about his childhood, his history of perverse sexual abuse at the hands of wealthy powerful men. He spoke candidly about his hatred for them and his desire to see them punished. Gwendolyn listened intently, weighing his every word... she believed him but was still wary.

"I still don't see how you think I can help you, Mr. Campbell," she said.

"Maybe you can't," Damon told her. "I'm desperate- I've contacted everyone I can think of... anyone else I thought could be trusted. The resistance groups don't want anything to do with me- I can't blame them... I just thought maybe you... I'm sorry I bothered you- forget I contacted you. I was desperate..."

"Wait," Gwendolyn said. There was something in his voice. "Don't hang up. Maybe there is something I can do."

"Really?" He asked hopefully. "I'd be grateful for any help. I just want to see those people stopped... you've met U'Bamah- there's something wrong with him... something evil."

"Do you think so?" Gwendolyn was fishing again.

"Yes," Campbell replied. "Something in his eyes... behind them. He's a very bad man... nothing more than a terrorist really- and they want him to rule the world."

"You know that for sure?" Gwendolyn asked.

"Yes and that's not all," Damon went on, "your father... You've never been to one of his after parties have you- I have. You wouldn't believe what goes on at them... the things they do."

"What do you mean," Gwendolyn inquired," what goes on?"

"I don't really know if I should say," Damon said nervously. "I don't really know you- he is your father after all and they'll kill me."

"Damon," she said sternly, her voice even, "if I'm going to help you, you've got to trust me."

"Ok, I'm just afraid," he said, voice quavering, "they kill people... children. Human sacrifice supposedly to some gods- but they have sex with them before they kill them... I think they're just sick perverts."

"Oh my God," Gwendolyn said, sinking into a chair. "Are you sure?"

"I've been there and seen it. Why do you think I'm so afraid. I know what they're capable of." Damon's voice was shaky. He had either found an ally, or signed his own death warrant.

"Was U'Bamah at any of them?" Gwendolyn asked.

"I don't think so," Damon replied. "It's been a long time since I've been to one... they were just letting me know what would happen if I opened my mouth. I was a lot younger then, but I don't think U'Bamah is into that... he's about power- he wants to rule the world. Your father calls him the Chosen One, whatever that means."

"The Chosen One?" Gwendolyn asked, "chosen for what?"

"I'm not exactly sure," Damon answered. "I think it has something to do with their gods... I hoped you would know something."

"I may be able to find out," Gwendolyn replied, "I think he likes me."

"Be careful, Miss Penrose," Damon warned, "he's not what he seems. I know you don't know me and have no reason to trust me, but I don't want anything to happen to you... You're my last hope."

"Look Damon, I can call you Damon can't I?" Gwendolyn asked, going on before he responded. "Damon, I'm going to take a chance... I believe you- the things you've told me... I have a friend who may be able to help. I'm going to have him call you."

"Oh thank you, Miss Penrose," Damon blurted out. "God bless you. I knew I was doing the right thing contacting you. It's a miracle you were at that party..."

"I usually don't go to them," she told him, "I hate those things... my father and his friends as well. I agree with you- they must be stopped... especially after what you told me."

"I believe God put you there," Damon said. "I don't know what your beliefs are, but I believe that God makes things happen for a reason."

"I do too Damon," Gwendolyn said. "Look, expect a call. Do you have an encrypted phone?"

"No," he said, "that's one reason I was worried about this call."

"I'll see that you get one," she replied. "When he calls, tell him what you told me and he'll tell you what to do next, Ok?"

"Yes, and God bless you Miss Penrose..."

"It's Gwen," Gwendolyn said. "Please don't be so formal."

"Thank you," he said. "Gwen, I wanted to warn you to be careful around U'Bamah... When I saw you with him, I became worried for your safety- he's dangerous."

"I will," she promised.

"Another thing I wanted to tell you," Damon said, "I'm going to be spending time with him- for the movie. I'll see what I can find out."

"That's great," Gwendolyn said, "now it's my turn to warn you to be careful. It will help a lot though and when my friend calls, be sure to tell him."

"Ok and thanks again," Damon replied feeling infinitely better, "remember, be careful around U'Bamah."

"Ok Damon," Gwendolyn said, "that goes for you too."

As soon as they hung up, Gwendolyn called Przybysz and recounted the sunstance of her call to Campbell...

"He's ok Prz," she said, he's a victim of my father and his friends and he's scared half to death and he's reaching out."

"You believe him?" Przybysz asked.

"Absolutely," Gwendolyn replied, "he told me in detail everything they did to him... nobody makes up stuff like that."

"How do you think we should proceed?" Przybysz asked.

"I told him he'd get a call from a man who would tell him what to do," she said, "also that we'd get him a secure phone... he took a big chance talking to me. You can ask him anything you like- he's very straightforward."

"Ok," Przybysz replied. "I'll call him and feel him out some more."

"Thank you Prz," Gwendolyn told him. "I trust him. When you hear his story, you will too. He's scared to death, but he's still determined to help. He's a really good guy Prz, I can feel it."

"Ok Gwen, I'll call right away," Przybysz said... they said their good byes and hung up.

After a lengthy talk with Damon, Przybysz was as convinced as Gwendolyn that he was indeed one of them. He made arrangements to get a secure phone in Damon's hands as quickly as possible. After cautioning him to be careful, Przybysz hung up feeling confident in their new ally... They had a mole in the enemy camp.

A New Age

In their mountain retreat in Sicily, Alessandra was growing increasingly restless. A month of inactivity was beginning to wear on her and it showed in her face and behavior. Her role in the resistance wasn't only about patriotism- to her the struggle was personal... She wanted revenge for the death of her beloved husband and she wanted it now. Her impatience grew with every day of inactivity. Father Tony was having great difficulty restraining her... even the pleas of her brother Gerolamo were falling on deaf ears.

"Mr. Przybysz says we must wait until after the election, Alex," Father Tony intoned. "It's just a couple of more weeks- then we'll see what we can do."

"Mr. Przybysz, Mr. Przybysz," Alessandra shouted, gesticulating wildly pacing the cabin. "I do not work for your Mr. Przybysz... my husband is dead."

"Alessandra," Gerolamo said plaintively, "nobody was closer to Rudolfo than me, except you of course, he was my best friend. To do something now would jeopardize the future... without the money Mr. Przybysz sends..."

"So that's it... the money," Alessandra shouted animatedly. "You let him pay you to do nothing... you've sold out- both of you."

"This is about the future of Italy- the world for that matter," Father Tony said in an attempt to calm her. "This isn't about your revenge, or the money... you can't put the resistance at risk for personal vengence."

"I think you're losing your nerve," Alessandra shouted, "both of you."

"This is not a personal vendetta Alex," Father Tony said calmly. "We need to be using this time to reach out to our brothers and sisters throughout Italy. China is gone for now and with it a meaningful diversion- that's a big chunk of people gone from the resistance. Don't you understand this is about stopping evil, not avenging your husband. Attacking your brother and me isn't helping."

"Making this personal weakens us all Alessandra," Gerolamo told his sister. "I want you to come with me to Avellino to meet with our friends there... the trip will do you good."

"All right," she agreed, "and I'm sorry I questioned your loyalty... I just feel frustrated by all of this doing nothing."

"If the things we're learning about this U'Bamah are true, the peace will be more dangerous than the war ever was," Father Tony said.

"What do you mean?" Alessandra asked.

From the intel I've gotten from Mr. Przybysz and the tone of his speeches makes me believe that he may be the one the Bible warned us of," Father Tony replied.

"The antichrist?" Gerolamo asked a surprised look on his face.

"Yes, Gero," Father Tony went on. "The Bible says he will come dressed as the lamb promising peace- but inside is a ravening wolf. The new war will be for hearts and spirits, not just bodies."

"How do we fight such a war?" Alessandra wanted to know.

"On two fronts, just as we are," Father Tony said. "His army will be large- legion... many people will believe his lies. We must use weapons as we do now, but our ultimate weapon will be the truth of God."

"Does Mr. Przybysz know about this?" Gerolamo asked.

"I'll tell him when I speak to him again," Father Tony said. "I had to make sure before I told anyone- but now I'm convinced."

Baraq U'Bamah's quest for souls had begun in earnest... President Oliveira was using his nightly address as a platform from which to push his agenda for the election- and in the interest of parity, the Ministry of Information had granted U'Bamah equal time... and he was making the most of the opportunity.

While Oliveira preached peace through strength, U'Bamah took a more subtle approach, offering up a utopian vision for a world at peace through a common purpose. U'bamah promised a new age, an age of peace and healing... an age that celebrated the 'oneness' of all mankind- that to fight each other was to fight ourselves. His speeches were carefully and skillfully crafted by Dr. Van Sloan- masterpieces of propaganda, part religion, part psychology. By not appearing political, U'Bamah was setting himself up- or being set up- as an almost religious figure, perhaps even messianic.

Damon Campbell, as part of his research into U'Bamah's life, was present at several of the broadcasts- thinking to himself, he's a born politician.

"There's something I don't understand, Mr. U'Bamah," he said. "You spent your life fighting for your cause, Islam... Now you seem to have made a 180 degree turnaround- I don't get it..."

"I haven't changed at all, Mr. Campbell," U'Bamah began, "Islam is the religion of peace... I only fought to keep the infidel out of our land. My goal is still the same- peace... only my method of achieving it has changed."

This guy is smooth, Damon thought. It was fairly clear that he wouldn't disclose anything that would jeopardize himself... U'Bamah's style, Damon thought, could best be described as furtively forthcoming- a perfect politician. As Campbell questioned him, he made mental notes, hoping for something to use against U'Bamah. The election was only a few weeks away and filming had already begun... background material and early childhood scenes portraying U'Bamah as the perpetual victim- a valiant freedom fighter up against almost insurmountable odds. Campbell tried to drag his research out hoping to slow down the process. Although U'Bamah seemed straightforward in his answers, Damon sensed that he was lying. He skillfully sidestepped questions about his new found wealth... and also wouldn't answer questions about his newly formed friendship with Gwendolyn Penrose, citing chivalry as his reason. Damon headed back to Boulder disappointed he didn't have more information.

U'Bamah was gaining converts... his message of peace resonated with a war-torn world. To people desperate for an end to their suffering his message had great appeal- to those aware of his intent, his message was met with increasing suspicion. It was abundantly evident that he was setting himself up as a quasi-religious figure. His speeches became less and less political and took on a messianic tone... and the people responded. It had been politics that was reponsible for the global turmoil and people wanted change- something to hope for... and Baraq U'Bamah was prepared to give it to them.

"My friends," he began one speech, "we must stop killing one another and look inside of ourselves for the answer- we must all seek the god within..."

He went on to talk about how every person on earth is a part of the godhead. Lord Penrose's friend Dr. Malcolm Van Sloane was not only a brilliant psychiatrist, he was a persuasive speechwriter, cleverly weaving New Age philosophy into the speeches. It had a very broad appeal, as it had before the war... it always did during times of distress. One thing could be said of the occultists, they really knew how to play a sucker. When times are bad, people seem willing to believe almost anything no matter how absurd and Van Sloane knew how to take advantage of a bad situation. U'Bamah used the current turmoil to lead people away from their belief in a seemingly absent God to lead them toward something much darker... into the realm of the Night Gods.

Father Tony had been listening to the nightly broadcasts with growing concern and watched the people of Sicily, a long time bastion of the Church, beginning to listen. His concerns grew with every passing day. Alessandra was with Gerolamo on their way to Avellino so he had time to reflect and pray. He still said Mass everyday, but the numbers were diminishing as people were listening to U'Bamah... he must warn them- and he must also warn Przybysz.

"Have you been listening to U'Bamah's broadcasts?" he asked.

"I try not to," Przybysz replied. "Why?"

"I can see where this is going Prz," Father Tony told him. "We knew he was bad, but not how bad. This is much worse than we thought."

"I don't get you Father," Przybysz said, confusion in his voice.

"This guy doesn't just want to be President," Father Tony went on, "he wants to set himself up as the new Messiah."

"You mean like Jesus- how?" Przybysz asked.

"This is it Prz," Father Tony said solemnly. "The Bible says that in the end times a man would arise promising peace- an antichrist who would lead the world into destruction."

"We already have destruction," Przybysz laughed. "Besides, wouldn't that have been Beck?"

"I'm serious Prz," Father Tony said glumly. "I'm talking about total destruction... we have to stop this guy Prz."

"What have you got in mind?" Przybysz asked.

I'm not sure we can," Father Tony replied. "We've got to try to lead people back to the Lord."

"We?" Przybysz was trying to picture himself in that role. "That's a little outside my purview Father... more along your lines."

"I did think of one thing," Father Tony began. "Mr. Shoemaker and the intercepts... we must warn people. If we start broadcasting that U'Bamah is a fraud, it might make him show his true colors."

"It's worth a shot," Przybysz replied. "I'll call Bret and tell him... but tell him what?"

"I'll call you later with some material- Bible verses... and thanks Prz," the priest said gratefully. "I hope we're not too late."

"What does the Bible say?" Przybysz inquired.

"You don't want to know," Father Tony replied.

"That good huh?" Przybysz ventured, "I'll get Bret working on it right away and tell Ann what you said- she knows a lot more than I do about this stuff."

"Thanks Prz," Father Tony said. "You don't know how important this is... If you think things are bad now- well, as the saying goes in America... You ain't seen nothin yet."

Ok Father," Przybysz said. "Hey- what do you think about doing some broadcasts of your own?"

"Me?" Father Tony asked surprised.

"Sure, why not," Przybysz responded. "You're a priest, who better?"

"The Church has been outlawed- it's illegal," Father Tony replied.

"So too are alot of the other things we've been doing," Przybysz said with a smile.

"I'll think about it," Father Tony told him.

After hanging up, Przybysz told Ann what the priest had told him watching as her eyes got wider as he spoke.

"Oh Prz," she said. "The Bible talks about this... this is going to be terrible. We need to keep the kids and Anica close- especially Anica. Barb and Kyle are grown, but Anica..."

"How bad?" Przybysz inquired.

"You don't want to know," Ann replied.

"That's what Father Tony said," Przybysz told her.

Father Tony didn't know it yet- but he was about to become a very important man... and very wanted.




The plot thickens and sets up the next round of conflict. (rubbing hands together in anticipation)

Ho I am scared dude l love your story keep it up...

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