Early awakening - Despertar precoz - Bilingûal Micro-story

in #fiction5 years ago (edited)

Early awakening

The night unfolded suddenly. Scared, he searched everywhere, nothing familiar. With exorbitant eyes, he was looking for a meaning to his stay in that humid place.

"How did I get here? I don't see anything, I can't move... this is narrow. I can't breathe. I must shout: help! I drown! I never learned to swim!"

He was screaming, but he could only hear his own splashes.

"Where is that being? I feel his desperation, but I can't see him, much less help him."

-You hear altered voices and diverse sounds:

-We have to operate in an emergency or you will leave!

"Y... Whose other voice is that? Who's going to leave? And the other? I don't feel it anymore, I don't hear it.... Did he drown? Did he escape? What about me? How do I get out?"

-They did it!

"Who did what? I don't see. It's night, here..."

"Night? What are you talking about? I can't see anything. It must be because of that."

"Who is this? Who is this?"

His mind suddenly cleared up, he coughed aloud and then sighed. He blinked and the light of the world came on.

At first nothing was clear, but little by little he felt his body and another body. He sharpened his gaze and saw himself in a luminous room, people in white robes, strange devices, capsules with others inside, others identical to him.....

What I didn't understand was that it was part of the early awakening of the cloned specimens that day.


Despertar precoz

La noche se desarropó de golpe. Asustado, miró a todas partes, nada familiar. Con los ojos desorbitados, buscaba un sentido a su estadía en ese húmedo lugar.

"¿Cómo he llegado aquí?... No veo nada, no puedo moverme... esto está estrecho. No puedo respirar. Debo gritar: ¡auxilio!!! Me ahogo... nunca aprendí a nadar!"

Gritaba a pulmón completo, pero sólo oía sus propios chapoteos.

"¿Dónde está ese ser? Siento su desesperación, pero no logro verlo y menos ayudarlo".

Se escuchan voces alteradas y sonidos diversos:

-¡Hay que operar de emergencia o se nos van!

"¿Y...entonces? ¿De quién es esa otra voz? ¿Quién se va? ¿Y el otro? Ya no lo siento, ni lo oigo... ¿Se ahogó? ¿Se escapó?... ¿Y yo? ¿Cómo salgo yo?"

-¡Lo lograron!

"¿Quién logró qué? No veo nada. Es de noche aquí…"

“¿Noche? ¿De qué habla éste?... no se ve nada. Debe ser por eso".

"¿Quién habla?... ¿Quién habla?”

Su mente de súbito se aclaró, tosió desaforadamente y luego suspiró. Parpadeó y se prendió la luz del mundo.

Al principio, nada estaba claro; pero, poco a poco pudo palpar su cuerpo y otro cuerpo. Afinó la mirada y se vio en un cuarto brillante, gente con batas blancas, aparatos extraños, cápsulas con otros dentro, otros idénticos a él…

Lo que no atinó a comprender es que formaba parte del precoz despertar de los especímenes clonados ese día.


Original text by Zeleira Cordero (@zeleiracordero)

The images are from of Pixabay Creative Commons:

Shadow Man

Biotechnology by Qimono


For your kind reading...THANKS.

Posted from my blog with https://wordpress.org/plugins/steempress/SteemPress</http://zeleiracordero.vornix.blog/2018/11/03/early-awakening-despertar-precoz-bilingual-micro-story/

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