Movie Stakeout Reviews 03/10/20-09/10/20

in #film4 years ago

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All the latest Movieland reviews from detectives Dick Japowski and Joey Arizona, and because it's October we're knee-deep in the dead, so grab a stake, strap on your protonpack and let's get bustin' some movies.

Getting spooky with Dick Japowski
Demon Wind (1990)
A guy invites every one he knows up to his dad's farmhouse for emotional support, but he doesn't heed the advice of the gas station attendant to stay away so him and his friends get demonised!
"Borrowing" heavily from every 80s movie before it, you will come to this one for the makeup and gore effects which are super splattery. It would have been better if they picked an ending and stuck to it but instead they put in every surprise ending they had from every script rewrite!
First watch: 3 Jack O'Lanterns


The Arizona Spook Files
#Alive (2020)
A young man finds himself stranded in his apartment as a virus runs rampant through the streets Seoul.
I just happened to stumble across this on Netflix. I was pretty certain I'd seen everything the zombie genre had to offer, but this was a pretty fresh take, aided by the fact it's set in a foreign land, a zombie movie not only from the perspective a lone survivor holed up in his apartment, but one that actively uses social media and modern tech to tell it's story. A nice surprise.
First watch: 3.5 Severed Heads

Getting spooky with Dick Japowski
Scare Me (2020)
Two horror writers try to scare the other with their spookiest stories..
More of a lesson in story creation and breaking apart genre than an out and out horror, but still this is a unique take on the horror anthology genre. Both leads have great fun acting out their tales and the movie cleverly uses sound design to help fill in the gaps of the viewers imagination.
If you like movies that are plays, this one's for you!
First watch: 3 Jack O'Lanterns

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The Arizona Spook Files
Creepshow 2 (1987)
Another anthology of Stephen King stories, this time only three as opposed to five. This time they revolve around a vengeful statue, a flesh eating slime, and a hitchhiker who won't stay dead.
Anthologies are always hit & miss, some stories land, and some are way off. Of the three stories the second instalment was the best, tense and gruesome. The final part was definitely the least interesting, and seemed like it went on forever.
First watch: 3 Severed Heads

The Arizona Case Files
The Addams Family (2019)
After being forced from their homeland the Addams clan relocate to an old asylum in a foggy marshland, perfect spot to raise boils & ghouls. But when an over zealous business women creates an idyllic town nearby she drains the swamp to improve the aesthetic. Believing their presence makes her new venture unsellable she tries to portray the Addams Family as monsters who need to be driven out.
I've always been a fan of The Addams Family, ever since I saw the Hanna-Barbera cartoon when I was about eight years old. I saw the live-action movie in the cinema, and tuned in ever Monday to watch the re-runs of the classic series right before Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. When I first saw the trailer for this movie I wasn't convinced, I didn't like the character design, and Nick Kroll's Uncle Fester voice is almost identical to his Coach Steve voice which if you've seen Big Mouth is slightly off putting, but I actually quite enjoyed it.
First watch: 3 Severed Heads

Have you seen any of the movies we've investigated? What's the verdict? Let us know in the comments below.

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