Pointy Eyes, Shine In The Dark - Finish The Story #52

in #finishthestory5 years ago

Pointy Eyes, Shine In The Dark

by @f3nix

"Auntie Masha‘ n the God’s Mistakes / every day on FRINGE -FM! / We will lure them, interview them / fun and tortures never end! "

The radio anchor's words glide over the frantic notes of the jingle like an old rusted Cessna.

"We're still here! I know, my lobotomized listeners, you too are amazed that your beloved auntie is still broadcasting on the frequencies of... "

"Stop with the preambles, old wino!" The voices of the three God's Mistakes recall a misplaced cross between Smeagol and the Chipmunks. In the studio, plastered with purple sound-proofing cones, the three animated puppets stare at Masha with lusty and murderous eyes. In a quick flash, the radio host instinctively thinks about the many crossroads of her life.

"Let's all welcome the most annoying and useless voices in the whole history of radio broadcasting from Edison to nowadays. Don't interrupt me, at least not at the beginning of the program, damn puppets..."

"...Cursed the stoned producer who wanted you," the host adds a quick note in her mind.

"Hey granny, we are co-hosts, not voices.” The felt creatures stand assertively.

"As we said, my bizarre radio listeners, here we are at our usual appointment with Masha's spicey interviews. Today we have an exceptional guest who certainly does not need introductions: directly from Berlin, Kurt Kükenvernichter, the one who returned metal music to the wide public. You know, Kurt, that auntie won't allow you to exit this studio without you having confessed at least some sordid and succulent secret.” The presenter begins to press. "For starters, we want to know how you managed to convert post-millennials around the world to your music."

Meanwhile, it seems that Kurt has decided to ignore the presentation. The round sound of his flask's stopper popping is not even captured by the microphone that already the singer has gulped down a sip of grog, dark and thick like tar. He slowly approaches the loudspeaker and greets his fans - especially the female ones - with a bronze baritone voice.

"Anyway, I never converted anyone. In these shitty times, I saw an empty throne and sat there."

"Aha. Sure. On thrones, photos of you collapsed on a toilet have been leaked from the net in the last few days. It is said to have been an exclusive party in Miami. Not exactly an image in line with the Kurt we all know. Do you want to deny or give us some clarification?” If radio frequencies could take shape, listeners would now see a scythe.

"They are all ... I was saying ... hhhhh ... it's all a pathetic charade!" The shrill voice of a clown who sniffed early-morning helium extrudes from the singer's throat as from an occluded sphincter.

"What the fuck was that?" Auntie Masha leaps in shock from the chair. The God’s Mistake for once are silent, overwhelmed by a more absurd voice than theirs and looking at each other with lost pointy eyes.

Time is strange on radio and silence represents an abomination against nature. Five interminable seconds pass before the host manages to recover and decides to send the advertisement break. Kurt has already thrown himself out of the studio, making shrill desperate blows. In fading out, a coarse puppet's laugh resounds.

In the loft, the thick curtains are still those of the old printing works. The late rays of the sun filter through the large dirty windows together with the sounds of the offices being emptied. A man wrapped in black leather and studs is spread on a padded velvet chaise longue while, at the end of the room, another figure sits composed giving him his back.

"You see, Doctor, my voice is everything, why did it start to betray me? I can't understand what's happening to me. I feel violated by a dark and perverse part of myself. Under this thick layer of metal, there is a sensitive heart and I don't think I can stand this anymore."

As he confesses, Kurt hears a little music coming from behind the back of the chair. It looks like something already heard.


"Isn't this riff I just invented beautiful?" Asks the therapist to the air with a gloating triumph note in his voice. Kurt pokes his head out and sees him fiddling with a tiny electric ukulele.

"Actually I think it's Smoke On The Water, Doc."

The chair snaps in a flash of lightning.

"Kurt, I have the solution but it won't be easy and requires your blind trust in me." Dr. Machete smiles as a strange light moves through his eyes. Struck by dusty beams of light, he looks like a sly Cheshire Cat.

My Entry:

Kurt swings his leather-clad legs off the velvet seat and throws himself onto the floor. His knees creak as they get acquainted with the shag rug. His hands clasp each other as if in prayer to an entity holier than God himself.

“Please Doc! Tell me what I should do. My voice… my voice is everything, if I speak in a pitch only dogs can hear, how can I claim to be a singer?”

Dr. Machete hands Kurt the ukulele, the cable trailing to the gigantic amp set up under the windows.

The tiny instrument feels delicate in his hands. Fingers find the strings and he starts to play the riff that the Doctor had been playing. The sound develops into something else, the chords fusing with his own tune.

Kurt stands up, his focus solely on the music. His bandmates appear with their instruments, taking their places behind him. The bassist strums, harmonising with Kurt. The drummer twists his sticks and clashes the cymbals. Kurt steps up to a mic and starts to sing. His voice screeches as the words pour out of him.

“You Shine in the dark,
With a piece of my heart,
Waiting for me to find you.”

An audience appears pumping their hands and singing along. Strobe lights dowse the band. The bass drum cover spins, twisting around the band name, Pointy Eyes.

“I’m just a pathetic charade,
Watching the world go by,
Can’t you save me.”

The song finishes. The room empties, leaving kurt standing with the ukulele and The doctor sat in his chair.

“I think you need a few more sessions of therapy kurt.”


This is my entry to the @bananafish Finish The Story Contest #52. Find out about it here.

Image from Pixabay.


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What a delicious ending! It's so theatrical, like a musical and strangely one I would like to see (I hate musicals almost as much as time paradoxes, my nemesis). Now that I think about it, a musical about the Tortillas de Pelo would be something (like a Rocky horror picture show). The lyrics you invented are so catchy! I feel like embraceing my guitar and looking for a melody to accompaign them .. well done Gaby!

Now I thought this was a tricky one to finish in the word count, but you have done an amazing job and seriously come in under it, whilst still delivering! You blur the line between reality and delirium until it becomes a story of two sides, depending on how its read. We will never know if this delirium is a music video, or if this music video is a delirium. The way you work the title into the lyrics ties it all together so well, the humorous dialogue is just the perfect icing on the cake of uncertainty in what's really going on. A very enjoyable, entertaining ending. From dark beginnings, to the surreal and funny, wonderfully done.

Great work, Gaby! Kurt's desperation comes through as he throws himself to his knees to beg Dr. Machete to cure him. With your ending we are treated to a surreal moment, is he imagining his band and the audience as he plays? Though he is unable to recover his bronze baritone, the truth that his feelings of being a charade which have compromised his talent has been voiced and now there's hope (as well as the need for more therapy sessions 😉).

A well told story with great lyrics, thank you for this enjoyable read!


- Musical -

So teach me the strings, Doc.
show me the way to me
and my forsaken voice
that now tries to hide!~

Doctor, lead me to the muse
who can inspire the voice in
and about my own soul now
  • can you help to it now Doc!

    I got to fair into the World,
    I got to sing for the World,
    I got to belong in the World
    and I got get my voice back!

    So Doctor, Doctor please help
    and give me the Faith I need
    to become more than what I
    used to be before I lost my voice!~

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