Open letter to @coininstant~ READ what you Flag!

in #flagging5 years ago

Dear @coininstant,

Today you went too far in your flagging of posts. There is a little boy that has had Three Open Heart Surgeries and survived. This little boy then draws a piece of art to enter into a contest to raise money for the Hospital so they can help MORE small children.

You have the right to flag posts and comments. You have the right to use your Steem stake any way you want.

All I ask is that you take the much NEEDED time to READ the whole post before you flag.

The post Vote For Our Little Steemian With A Warrior Heart! encompasses all the GOOD that Steem can do and IS.

Your flagging of this post and comments encompasses all that is WRONG with flagging.

All I can ask is that you read the post then read the post a second time. Take the time to really think if you need to flag that post.

This is not a game to this little young man. This IS his life. Think about it. Would you want to show your child a post about them with flags on it?

Thank you for your time,



This! Exactly! <3

I so agree, @snook.

Flagging should not be a knee jerk reaction . . . it should only be used in cases of actual misconduct and/or abuse.

This post was neither.

Posted using Partiko Android

well good, they should stop them from knee jerking me with fat bit! now maybe you all will see why steem is where it is, kooks like marky and i! I agree they should take flags away from the general public, flags are the worst, especially from us bots that can’t tell the difference between wrong and right!

@coininstant .. you flagged that post? Seriously? Come on man..

Thanks for the heads up, voted!

Dear @coininstant,

@davvedickeyyall is not a moron. That post IS REAL. I have talked to them and the little boy that survived THREE heart surgeries.

It's why I asked you to please read the post. There is always room for exceptions. It is what makes us human. To be able to tell what is right from wrong.

That post was not asking for money. That post wasn't being given money. That post was made so a little boy that survived 3 heart surgeries and lived, could feel proud of the artwork that he drew, win first prize.

That young man doesn't make any money either for winning first prize. He gets the HONOR of his artwork being put up for auction. The money made from that action goes to the Hospital to help save more children.

There is nothing evil about that post. No one but a little boy and a Children's hospital wins. Again the little boy wins nothing monetarily. He already won his life. How can this be a bad thing?

How can you NOT support that?

Please rethink your flag on that post.

Thank you,

Fine! usually I just auto downvote everything marky posts or resteems! then the fire hit and did not have time to check! I make mistakes, but i am flexible! will stick to the script and only flag marky!

Thank YOU so much!!!!

I am sorry for your troubles. I hope things work out okay for you and the fire. Stay safe.

ok i will undo

sorry i am under big emotional distress every day because everyone downvotes me with bots!

My bad, i fix!

That is one of the disadvantages of flagging.
If you don't like what you see, move on, there is more out there than you can read, you might like the next item.

This why I am not a fan of flagging. I agree this flag was unfair. I really feel flagging is a form of censorship and I believe everyone gets their opinion, and doesn't get their voice silenced even if we don't agree.


oooohhhhh, OOOPS, that is an old idea, allegedly some people want it in HF21!!!!

Imagine how wonderful all this shall be when flags are FREEEEEE!!!!!

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