
Good work continued

Who is upvoting this crap?

I asked myself the same question when I looked at your page.

I don't worry about the opinion of flatheads :)

maybe more open minded and respectful people than you. You say it is crap but, you have saw it? i think you don't...

Don't confuse being open-minded and respectful with being gullible and uncritical.

Let's see, we have a ridiculous conspiracy theory vs mountains and mountains of evidence and observations. What would you call it?

oh well, if you trust so much in nasa and government agencies... what can i do? I hope you can break the spell some day and do some research... peace

See, all you guys have is conspiracy theories. On the other hand, there are mountains of evidence and data that shows us the earth is a sphere.

i have researched this subject for almost one year, and all this evidence you think exist is hoax, the images of earth are CGI if you search on google you don't gonna see any real image, all cgi, if you go to 30 km up with a hi altitude balloon and a camera, you gonna see a perfect flat horizon, but, in math, the earth have 6300 km and a 30 km of altitude you must to see a minimum curvature, but you don't, because is not a ball, the earth is flat, but masons want all people believe that the earth is a spinning ball moving very fast without any sense, but if you don't want to research for yourself, is very difficult to my explain every point that make all this "mountains of evidence" fail.. but from childhood they brainwashed all the population and is for this that you come to here and put your disrespectful comment, completely ignoring the real facts that the flat earth movement is exposing now days.

Again, all you can do with the evidence is call it a hoax. It is your ONLY choice. People faking things all over the damn place for nefarious reasons. Otherwise known as a conspiracy theory. This is all you can do, call evidence and observations fake, CGI, NASA hoax...blah blah blah.

You CANNOT disprove the evidence.

Speaking of the quality of flathead research, please note that the earth has a diameter of 12,742 km, not 6300 km.

Are you kidding me?

Earth is the third planet from the Sun and the only object in the Universe known to harbor life. According to radiometric dating and other sources of evidence, Earth formed over 4 billion years ago. Wikipedia
Radius: 6,371 km
Mass: 5.972 × 10^24 kg
Area: 510.1 million km²
Surface area: 510.1 million km²
Distance from Sun: 149.6 million km
Orbital period: 365 days

i can say it hoax because is obvious, or you gonna say they went to the moon in 1969? anyone with a minimum of time to see the images they put on tv can realize that was very false. About CGI, well, is more obvious when you search for satellite in space, not even one is real, and is very CGI, why ?? and pictures of earth, every one is different, the color of sea, the size of america, estrange photoshped clouds, men, if you only search a little bit in google before start debating as if you knew the whole truth about every thing, is very notorious when somebody don't even saw anything about the subject.. but well, if you BELIEVE in this people, what can i do? you believe in his supposed evidence, but you don't prude by yourself anything, you only believe in this people, by the way, is the government... they lie about everything, they control all the system. So, yes, they are scamming all the society with this, is so much money, is so spiritually profound, but, all the people are so programmed that, like you, going to defend their believes because is what they say you and to all the people around you for about 500 years.. I understand that you can't see it now, but anyway, some day i hope all the humanity going to awake about the real please we are living it.
If you really want to research to know what is all this movement about, search in youtube for Eric Dubay, ODD reality, Jeranism and Globebusters. Blessings

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Nah...even cats know the Earth is round. Well...not round, it's a geod. How? Because science and spaaaaceeee! I love space....

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