Making a Vegan Pizza

in #food7 years ago (edited)

I've been vegetarian for a long time, but even though I'm lactose intolerant I've had a hard time kicking dairy. I don't drink milk or eat eggs, so it's really just cheese that I crave, mainly on delicious pizza.

Growing up in a partially Italian family in the New England, we had plenty of great pizza options and ate it every week without fail. When I moved down to Texas I was shocked at the lack of local pizzaerias, instead people regularly got garbage pizza that tasted and chewed like cardboard.

Eventually I found the good pizza places in Austin, although they are few and far between. On my birthday last week we went to one of them (Buffalina) and had this amazing vegan pizza which was the inspiration for this recipe.

Before I discovered the good places I decided to start making my own pizza, and it was well worth it. I've spent a lot of time perfecting my pizza dough recipe, but it does take a good amount of time and care. Since I happened to be at Trader Joe's the day before, I snagged some of their fresh dough to save on time. It's very good for grocery store dough, but I'd still recommend making your own if you can.

Making your own sauce is the key to this recipe and not very hard. I basically followed this recipe, but I left out the butter and adjusted the seasoning a little bit.

This deliciously chunky sauce is a million times better tasting than jarred pizza sauce. It's so fresh and flavorful, and would also be great on your favorite pasta.

Next came a lot of chopping for this mixture of garlic, red bell pepper, serrano peppers, and black olives. Like the pie I had at Buffalina, there's no need for fake cheese because this stuff has plenty of flavor.

You may also notice the pizza stone in the background. It's not totally necesarry, but it does make it easier and helps the dough cook perfectly.

The sauce spread out on the dough before the topping mixture went on.

And the piping hot pizza fresh out of the oven, totally vegan and cruelty free. I'll definitely be making this again, it was amazingly delicious and didn't last long.


Awesome post @brevebronovan I would love to have one, please ship one over ;-)

I think it may lose the fresh flavor that makes it soooo good, but I can try

Awesome recipe

lol I am the same with dairy and always have a hard time staying away completely! Now I also have a acid issue which means I need to stay away from tomatoes. Great post!

Oh no, I've been starting to get some acid reflux from time to time, but I love tomato based things so much, hope it doesn't get worse.

it looks delicious,thanks for sharing, i follow you

Thanks! It was super delicious, I wish it wasn't all gone already. Followed you back

I'm no vegan but I would make poo outta that.

no matter what you usually eat, this pizza was well worth making into poo

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Hi @brevebronovan! I just read your post and have to tell you, I share your sentiments about cheese :'( I tried so hard to disobey my body and kept putting it in but the cheese would always win that battle and leave me so upset with myself! I've been dairy free and gluten free for 3 years now, and I love coming up with new ways to eat. Most of my life (before Steemit ;) was dedicated to healthy vegan recipes! Therefore, I am a huge fan of the do-it-yourself cook such as yourself! All of the power to you! This looks delicious! Thanks for sharing :)

Nice foodpost.

Just spend my upvote and resteem

Go organic in all your dairy. That made a big, helpful difference for me when I was still eating it. The "regular" dairy is full of hormones, pesticides, stabilizers, gmos, preservatives, and other nasties in the states now. It got significantly worse in 2012 with some new laws.

I have chronic illnesses and I am in many groups with other sick people. The vast majority of us are not "lactose intolerant." Instead we are being poisoned. If you try organic and imported dairy, you may have a better result. Europeans often get sick on us dairy and have no trouble back at home.

My craving was for sour cream. Once I started buying it (for $$$) at the Farmer's Market - all was well.

But possibly, with wonderful creations like this you will no longer need the dairy at all :)

Thanks for the great hint! I'll try this out shortly!
A great weekend to you!

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