Satay Oyster Mushroom + peanut seasoning

in #food6 years ago

350-400 gr oyster mushrooms (plih yg besar)

spice / dye
4 cloves garlic (large) blh 5
A little salt + to taste oil + sweet soy sauce
peanut sauce:
1 handful of peanut
2 cloves of garlic
10 pieces of rawite
1/2 spoon of petis (ordinary spoon) / to taste
1 thumbs up brown sugar
Salt taste + sweet soy sauce
5 raw onion cloves (thinly sliced)

Plih jmur torn jd jd 4/3 .. smuax .. then wash thoroughly .. boil water give a little salt .. turn off the fire dip the mushrooms until soft with soft (too soft) .. drain the washing lg and squeeze until no airx (beware destroyed slowly "aja) .. then puncture" blh according slera nusukx yes ,. Sya like bgini ala abang "satay jmur (klo g want in rndam blh in boiled in water 30 seconds sj)
Dye spice: Puree garlic add salt add oil rather babyaj + soy sauce rather .. taste test .. (sweet dominat, savory onion, sdikit salty)

peanut sauce: fried nuts until cooked drain .. fried onions + rawit sbntr only ckup wilted jngn until brown bgt .. puree allx except raw onion + soy sauce .. stelah smooth move in the bowl of love of water to taste (kentalx according slera) + sliced ​​onion (rada on bejek "let aromax trasa) .. taste test ready

Dip the mushroom sate to the dye spice .. flatten until smua partx hit .. hot grill / charcoal jg blh .. burn satex .. kalo, dah ripe live, flush pake sambel deh .. slmt maem (burnx blh smpe gsong / g up. .cz td jamurx udh stengah mtng in soak jd no smell langu / no menth ")

Asep "dramatic hyahahahС" dramax people lapee

Maap pemahsah .. ndak smpt fto .. already direct ludess des .. jd dmyg on display pas msh on the grill






Follow @namanama


I like to do chicken kebabs with peanut sauce as well!! Yummy.
You are part of my "Food by Red Fish" #12 post.

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