Sneaky Caipirinha While Cleaning the Liquor Cabinet!

in #food6 years ago

A friend gave me this bottle (jug?) of Cachaça a few years ago as a birthday present, and ever since I've made sure to kick off the start of every summer with an amazing caipirinha.

There's nothing quite like warm weather with a nice cocktail!

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That looks delicious. Love bottles like that. That's quite an Impressive Liquor collection you have acquired. I personally have tried on numerous occasions to begin to build up a liquor cabinet. The problem Is after being a sailor, at times, I can drink like a fish. That's not a good recipe for a good liquor collection plus Here in New Zealand the tax on Booze is ludicrous. The good news is, that in New Zealand, distilling legal. Reminds me I should probably set up a batch this weekend. Cheers My friend.

Yeah, it took me quite a while and I do find myself looking back and lamenting at how much it cost me, every now and then. Part of the key to building the collection is buying things you don't drink all the time.. so I'm always running out of vodka, bourbon and Canadian Club (and white rum if we're making daiquiris), but I tend to always have dark rum, spiced rum, gin, etc. (things I don't drink regularly). Liqueurs and unique spirits tend to last a while too

I can relate to the tax issue. Don't worry, it's not much better in Australia, and they're about to refine all the rules to make it even worse.

Distilling's not legal here, so I ended up investing in a whiskey distillery. Such an interesting experience!

Wow! What a collection

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