Lemonade, Anyone? || Mau Es Jeruk, Teman?

in #food6 years ago (edited)

G'day Friends!

Hot, hot, hot, hot, here today. It's a beautiful sunny day and we are enjoying the 22 C woo-hoo 💃

My oldest is out at the park with his father, riding his battery-motored tiny car, while my youngest and I stay at home, because...Minecraft 😅

Funny for once the outside doesnt have appeal to him, but also, since I am baking chocolate cake here, per his request, so he cannot wait for that to come out of the oven.

It's National Lemonade Day today. I have this recipe for pink lemonade that has been up on my recipe blog for awhile but did not cross my mind to share it here on Steemit until it dawned on me that today is lemonade day. Perfect for sharing 😊

If you'd like to quench your thirst in this hot day (or any other hot days this coming Summer), give this recipe a try 😉

Simple Lemon Syrup

  • Into a pot, add lemon peel of a lemon, half cup of sugar and half cup of water. Bring to boil, stirring frequently, until sugar dissolved. Take off from heat and let cool completely.



  • freshly squeezed lemon juice from 10 lemons, no seeds
  • 5 c of cold water
  • 1/4 c of "red" juice, as we are making pink lemonade here, either cranberry juice or cherry juice, whichever you prefer
  • a pinch of salt



  • Place everything, including the simple lemon syrup into a jug - but discard lemon peel, stir to combine, and chill before serving




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this one.jpg

Hai teman!

Suka bikin es jeruk ga? Anakku yang sulung suka es jeruk.

Ini aku ada resep bikin es jeruk warna merah muda. Idenya sih dapat dari film bridesmaid, yang super kocak itu. Dah nonton belum?

Nih resepnya kalau mau ikutan bikin juga 😊


  • 1/2 gelas gula pasir
  • 1/2 gelas air
  • 1 jeruk lemon, ambil kulitnya saja

Cara Membuat

  • Didihkan hingga gula larut, buang kulit jeruk lemon

Es Jeruk

  • Peras air jeruk lemon dari 10 biji jeruk lemon, buang bijinya
  • Didalam wadah yang besar, campurkan perasan air jeruk lemon dengan 5 gelas air putih dingin, sejumput garam, 1/4 gelas jus yang berwarna merah siap pakai, misalnya jus buah krans atau buah ceri, serta sirup lemon diatas.
  • Aduk rata dan masukkan kulkas hingga dingin, baru disajikan

Enak buat buka puasa 😉

Aktif membantu di channel #indonesia di MSP PAL Discord


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Seger nya, pas banget buat di suasana ya panas... Ka

Hahhaa maaaf baru baca euy

Ga bisa upvote dah mau post payout

Biasa emak2 susah pegang hp direbut anak mulu

Makasih dah ninggalin komentar

Hi @thekitchenfairy
Thanks for best recipe
Sangat kelihatan menyegarkan.
Sangat cocok dicoba bulan puasa ini

Seger kan gogom 😉

Kalo 2 minggu lagi dari sekarang liat beginian siang2 hari segerrr niii😅


Aku telat bacaaa

Ga bisa upvote komenmu, aku kunjungi blog kamu sekarang sebagai terimakasih 😉

Halaaa biasa aja la mbaa, I truly understand that you're a mommy of two amazing boys, it must be so busy 😚. Sempat nulis aja uda luar biasa mbanya.

Mau dong...
Apalagi jeruk sangat bagus untuk kesehatan tubuh kita...
I love it..

Hansem Boy mbak yaa...

Makasih bang

Maaf telat, jadi ga bisa upvote nih komentar

Aku ke blog abang aja, bagi2 upvote disana 😁

I love pink lemonade ~ especially in summer !


Im slow

Cant upvote this comment almost pay out

Thanks for visiting, will be visiting yours now to pay respect 😊

howdy Miss kitchenfairy! I didn't know that the lemon peel was used in lemonade but that makes sense. Hey it's hot there at 22? well I reckon it would be for ya'll up there. It's supposed to be 90 degrees here today so I looked that up and it's 32 in C. Ya'll would be roasting. Hey I really like that cool photo of the cute kid holding that jar of lemonade, you KNOW that's a redneck glass right?? lol.


Im slow

Cant upvote this comment almost pay out

Thanks for visiting, will be visiting yours now to pay respect

And yes, i like using mason jars as drinking glass 🤣

so YOU are part redneck too! lol that's too funny.
you're the best @thekitchenfairy!

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