Quickie Breakfast Cookies // Mengolah Pisang Menjadi Sarapan

in #food6 years ago

Hi friends!

I made breakfast cookies of only 4 ingredients (you can even make it with only 3 ingredients!), which my 8 yo likes them so very much, this morning.

I wanted to prepare brioche, but we live in a 1200 square feet house, where the rooms are very close to the kitchen. I would surely wake them up should I prepare it while they were still sleeping 😅

So breakfast cookies it was. Baked as soon as everyone was up. Easy to prepare, quick to bake.


My husband got me table (counter) top convection oven (with fan), especially used for Summer time, so I don't heat up the whole house 🤪💃🤪💃 With the convection oven, the cookies were done in 13 mins! As opposed to 18-20 mins using regular oven (plus mega hot house in Summer).

I will still prepare the brioche as I found this dark chocolate spread at the grocery store which I so want to try. Yuum. But for bow, breakfast cookies 😊


  • 3 ripe bananas
  • 1 c old fashioned rolled oats
  • 1/2 c roughly chopped walnuts (imma up it next time to 3/4 c at least, as I saw my 4 yo kept picking the nut and ate them more than he ate the chocolate chips, for once! 🤣)
  • 1/2 c DF chocolate chips



  • Preheat oven to 350 F
  • Line parchment paper on a baking tray
  • Mash bananas with fork, mix in oats, followed with walnuts and chocolate chips


  • Spoon batter onto prepared tray (using ice cream scoop is easier if you have!)



  • Bake for 11-13 minutes (or 18-20 mins for regular oven)

Super easy, right? You can serve warm, but the chips would be too melty to touch. Cookies will firm up as they cool down, which is best, IMO.


Serve with a glass of cold milk. Yum!

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Suami dan anak2ku agak susah sarapan yang berbau nasi, karena mereka habis itu ngantuk 🤣 Jadi kalau ke sekolah atau ke kantor, berabe deh. Padahal aku seneng banget kalau mereka mau disiapkan nasi kuning kek, nasi goreng kek 💓💓💓💓

Jadi disini kalau sarapan, yah roti2 gitu atau indomie 😂 Kalau indomie, hobi deh mereka 😂

Tadi pagi, kami sarapan dengan kue berikut ini. Disini sih nyebutnya sebagai cookies, yaitu kue kering, namun teksturnya tidak seperti kue kering di Indonesia, lebih ke kue jajan gitu, empuk.

Kalau mau cobain, nih resepnya yak, hanya menggunakan 4 bahan 😉



  • 3 buah pisang matang, lumatkan
  • 1 gelas penuh havermuth
  • 1/2 gelas kacang walnut yang sudah dicacah kasar
  • 1/2 gelas keping cokelat


  • Panaskan oven 350 F
  • Lapisi loyang dengan kertas kue
  • Campurkan segala bahan hingga rata
  • Ukur 1 sdm makan penuh dan letakkan di loyang
  • Panggang 18 menit

Jadi deh. Biarkan dingin dulu yak agar kue memadat dan cokelat ga terlalu lumer untuk dipegang 😉

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Looks so easy and only 3 or 4 ingredients! Been looking for an easy breakfast type cookie and I will definitely try this one! Thanks @thekitchenfairy!! xoxo

Great for a snack to take along :) Simple to make and few ingredients, YAY!!
Love it! Ill have to wait till my bananas are ready enough to be turned into these cookies!
Oh and congrats on your new oven, @thekitchenfairy! :))

my gosh, i love this oven hahaha

@thekitchenfairy Im sure!! ha ha ! enjoy and have fun!!

I think I will make some of these for the kids here. They like warm cookies with cold goats milk so I guess I have breakfast for tomorrow figured out! Thanks!

Great recipe....great post.. attractive presentation very well done i loved it........

I use to make these all the time! They are really delicious. Thanks for reminding me to make them again 💚

Kelihatannya sangat lezat dan menggugah selera ya kak😋.
Kapan ya? Bisa menikmatinya langsung? 😁

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main sini pak guru, ntar tak bikinin satu keranjang hahaha

Kalo pake happy call bisa gak ya ?

mungkin bisa tapi kurang kering kali yah?

Kalau Indonesia emang harus nasi, biar sehat katanya..

kayaknya aku kok gagal fokus yah.... apa ngolahnya pake di injek-injek pake sandal biar lembut yah... wkwkwkwkwkwk peace, mbak guyon :D

kuwi anggur mas sing di injek2 hahaha

Hey, I've made these before but without the walnuts. Took them on the plane to Hawaii in case I needed a snack. They came in very handy in the car rental line, which took an hour.

Yes, they are good for road trip 😁 sometimes i use quick oats, sometimes rolled oats. Great with pecans too btw!

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