U.N. flags need to cut meat to curb land use impact on global warmingsteemCreated with Sketch.

in #food5 years ago (edited)

U.N. flags need to cut meat to curb land use
impact on global warming (Reuters)

  • According to a recent report by the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), global meat consumption must be reduced to curb global warming and alleviate strains on stretched land and water resources.
  • As human use directly affects more than 70% of the global ice-free land surface, plant-based foods and sustainable animal-sourced foods could free up several million square kilometres of land by 2050 and cut harmful emissions.
  • Last year’s report called for rapid changes across society to keep the temperature rise to 1.5 degrees Celsius, while this year’s report states that “[t]he window for making these changes is closing fast. If there is further delay in reducing emissions, we will miss the opportunity to successfully manage the climate change transition in the land sector.”

Analysis and Comments

  • According to the report, agriculture, forestry and other land use activities accounted for 23% of total net man-made GHG emissions during 2007-2016 (excluding pre- and post-production activity in the food system).
  • While the IPCC stops short from actually telling people to go meat-free, it does advocate the benefits of a more plant-based alternative diet, which may be seen as a positive for players in this space (although this is not exactly news).
  • The Guardian published a highly critical response to the IPCC’s land and climate report (saying that it “irresponsibly understates the true carbon cost of our meat and dairy habits”), which includes a number of very interesting figures – well worth a read!  

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Posted from my blog with SteemPress : https://scrips.io/blog/mr-cryptolemon/u-n-flags-need-to-cut-meat-to-curb-land-use-impact-on-global-warming-2/

Very informative. Changing the way we eat could help so much to protect our environment.

Indeed, people should remain free to eat what they please but be aware of the big picture.
Thank you for stopping by 😉

We could also argue that being free to live for non-human animals is more important than human eat choices as far as you can find what you need for feeding you properly without taking any life ;-)

Agreed but then what do you do when there will be too many cows since there will be no predator ? Therefore eating all the grass and producing huge amounts of CO2?
People think insects should be also left alone such as mosquitoes 🦟, then how do you stop many diseases from spreading if you can’t kill them?

Thing is, there is too many cows because of current livestock farmings.
We should reintroduce big lands almost free from human action. Nature is balancing itself with autoregulation. Have a look at what happened when they reintroduced wolves in Yellowstone park :
About mosquitoes, I agree they help to spread diseases. But extermination is not a solution because they have an important role by cleaning up aquatic ecosystem.
It's very complex but humanity has caused a lot of damages and the consequences could be very dramatic. If you look around there is no other species than ours which endangers the ecosystem on which it lives.

I agree with the fact that Humans are the ultimate killers 😩.
Yes, we need predators to regulate the ecosystem, we reintroduced wolves here in France for that purpose. My question is when these wolves will be close to rural houses and we might have some dead cattle or very rare attacks against humans, how will we react?

Ça tombe bien je suis français aussi ;-)
Aujourd'hui et en partie grâce à la technologie, des systèmes performants sont mis en place afin de suivre les meutes de loup et de se préparer afin d'éviter ce genre de déconvenues.
Après aux humains d'accepter la nature telle qu'elle est faite. Oui il peut y avoir des blessés, voire des morts, chez les animaux d'élevages (d'ailleurs les éleveurs sont indemnisés en cas de pertes) comme chez les humains et il faudra s'organiser afin de redonner une place à cet écosystème naturel et apprendre à co-habiter avec. Il en va de notre intérêt à tous.
Je ne suis pas sûr que la majorité des personnes se rendent compte de la chance inouïe que nous avons de vivre sur cette planète bienveillante et que c'est un bien commun que nous nous devons de respecter et de protéger.

Effectivement, tu as raison que la technologie nous aidera. Personnellement, je pense que le problème du co2 sera résolu dans les 10 prochaines années grâce à la technologie (du moins dans les pays développés).
Pour l’écosystème on culpabilise les individus des pays développés mais 80% du continent plastique provient des fleuves africains s et aquatiques, etc...
Bref il faut changer mais ne pas succomber à l’hystérie « arrêtons les enfants » = quel intérêt dans les pays développés ? On perd de la population.
Certains pensent même à se suicider comme solution. Certains deviennent fous ! 😩

How about birth control, less people on 1 km2 to help the environment?

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It is an interesting concept, but, truth be told, when you shut the door on one, another problem will crawl in through the window.

We are starting to see more and more vegans in this world. Has that made any impact that you know of?

And the mention of Birth Control by @wakeupkitty.pal is not a bad one.


Hello there,
Vegans did not really make an impact yet I believe. Anyway concerning carbon:
30% is from food related activities
30% from industries
30% from transport and co.
I just learned that the amount of co2 released while burning Equatorial forest in Africa was 30% of the yearly co2 release worldwide !!!
And everybody focuses on Amazonia ? Weird...

@vlemon, If one Change is adopted by the Human Beings there new which are arriving or in my opinion new problems are intentionally brought.

I didn’t catch all you meant. You think this will add new issues ?

No. When Humanity overcomes from one situation then new and unknown situations arises in my opinion. Stay blessed.

Posted using Partiko Android

Good blog on food.

So what exactly you intend to say with this "news"? I do not even know people who eat daily meat and when it is about 100-150 grams a person max. For most it is too expensive.

How about less people, birth control? People eat and shit and waste and are the biggest reason why plants and animals have no chance.

20% less people would make a huge difference just like a maximum living on 1 km2.

Why are you so mad all the time ? By being mad you consume more energy 😉.
I personally know a lot of people who eat meat everyday and these people begin to change their habits. I don’t think we need to reduce the population nor live in 1sqm.

How come you always see everything so negative? That consumes a lot of energy too. There is nothing wrong with an open mind, being realistic, not blaming everything on meat or no meat.

I wish you a great day with 💕

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As long it tastes good, its a no brainer for me. Now... if doesn't, I actually prefer to switch to naturally grown stuff, like vegetables and fruit. Also, fish, since those are actually necessary for the natural ecosystem to survive an ocean wise they don't yet contribute to destabilize the fauna.

This is super interesting. I live in a place where we have the most fast food restaurants per square mile on the planet and even some of those places are starting to use meat alternatives in some of their food. I wonder if that had anything to do with it.

Some of the stuff is pretty good though it will just take some getting used to. Hopefully this isn't at a cost to our health in some way over the long run.

If only governments will make efforts to cut meat.

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Believe me they are through prices, PR and taxes.

But meat seems to be cheaper than a lot of things

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