Top Banana in Malaysia foodphotography

in #foodphotography6 years ago (edited)

Malaysia conveniently gives you lots of information about bananas on their packaging. You can see the progression of banana ripening and decide if you want to eat it now while it is most soft and solid, or wait until later when it will be more sweet.

Top Banana in Malaysia fitifun.jpg

I’m eating it now no matter how ripe it is. I am rushing through the KL Sentral Train Station in Kuala Lumpur to get a bus to the airport one hour from here.

I have done posts before mentioning that I do not like bananas but I eat them anyway. This banana is another example of one I ate. I was rushing to get to my plane back to Thailand.

Should I get candy or should I get a banana? I have to have something to eat now so I can keep going.

In the old days I would get the candy. Now I always look for the best food I can get. In the train station convenience store, this banana won the prize.

My post


How many kilo did u loose in a month.?

In the first 3 years of trying I lost about 18 kilos total

In the last 10 months - when I learned skills and applied them, I lost 40 kilos and got to my goal in 2011.

In the next two years, I lost another 6-8 kilos without really trying, and this is where I stay now without trouble.

It has been 8 years since I got the my goal weight and this is why I try to help other people. Everything I did in the first 3 years of trying was wrong.

Amazing transformation. You had worked a lot and with passion. Hatsoff

Thank you very much. Anyone can do this if I did :)

I'm like you. I'm not a fan of bananas, but I still eat them. I really dislike the mushy texture. But, its nutritious, cheap, and it takes no time to prepare, so I can't complain.

I agree. I go for the quick nutrition. Bananas in SE Asia are firmer than in the states at least, so there's that.

You got a 6.40% upvote from @edensgarden courtesy of @fitinfun!

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