Voluntaryism: Another Word For Freedom

in #freedom5 years ago

The only group that doesn't want to extort you in order to fund their version of utopia, or attempt to control your life, are voluntaryists

"A libertarian society actually gives full permission for socialism, voluntary socialism. [But people who want no part of it] should be allowed to stay out of that." - Ron Paul

Voluntaryism is also the only system which allows for all others to operate within it, so long as they arrange themselves without force. Voluntaryists do not want to tell you what to do or how to live your life. That means that a group of socialists could get together within that framework and design their own socialist utopia to live under for themselves.

But the same cannot be said for these other groups for respecting the rights of voluntaryists. Because those other various groups want to violate your natutal rights in the name of some greater good or cause, one that they see as being justified to initiate violence.

Freedom should include giving people a chance to opt out and take care of themselves.

If an idea can only be realized if it is funded through force, then is it really that good of an idea?

And if the ones who are trying to initiate the force against peaceful people are the only ones left who are trying to justify it, should we be surprised?

Voluntaryism is not only the most peaceful organization method, it is also the most tolerant to other political views and methods of organization. It respects the dignity of every human being and their right to opt out.

How many others are tolerant of voluntaryist views?...

But can you really blame them? After all, this wasn't supposed to happen; the state puts a great deal of effort and plenty of resources into trying to prevent free thinkers from waking-up to the cage and nonsensical system of slavery that surrounds them. Still, here we are.

"[For] years they've tried to keep us all in cages, and train us, and beat us into submission, tell us what to do, to get us to comply with orders and edicts and for whatever reason at some point in your life, you sat down and said 'wait a minute'...I don't think that this is the way it's supposed to work and I am going to try to find a way out." - Jeffrey Tucker

You want to trust the chaos of spontaneous human action, voluntary exchanges, more than any imposition? Well, that's just crazy.

Pic3 Matrix via tenor


Voluntaryism is a term I was not familiar with particularly. Without causing you much work, could you briefly explain the difference between a voluntaryist and a libertarian?

Lots and lots of libertarians still want to use force or have others use force on their behalf to do certain things. Voluntaryists don't want to use force or have others use force on their behalf. That is the key difference. There's two groups of people basically. One group wants to control others for X reasons, and the other group doesn't want to control others for any reasons. I don't want to control other people for any reason.

I don't want to control other people for any reason.

That is exactly the original idea of Socialism.

I'd say that they're supposed to mean the same thing, in that both claim to support individual liberty... but there are minarchists or limited government "libertarians" and they support the initiation of violence for various reasons. This doesn't mean that those individuals cannot advance the message of liberty, many of them have and that is what originally caused me a lot of confusion on my journey.. how they could see freedom working in one area, but not in others 😂 I prefer 'voluntaryist', if anything, to try and avoid such confusion 😉 it's libertarianism taken to the extreme👍

There is a great problem of “snatching terms”, @doitvoluntarily. Oppressive regimes tend to present themselves as progressive, choosing the terms that do not belong to them. Even Hitler called his party “socialist”, while it was complete opposite of the idea of socialism. “Libertarians” start showing after the term “Liberalism” was snatched by the nazi-globalists. It’s just a matter of time when someone will snatch “Voluntaryism”.

A Philosophy can give an answer, but… who reads Philosophy?

The term directly implies voluntary interaction though, so it will not be as easily taken over and twisted as the term "libertarian."

It is nice to be an optimist, @finnian, and I do appreciate your view at life because it corresponds with mine, but… I know how easy it is to manipulate people.

Oh, I'm not an optimist. Just as @insanityisfree. I'm a "doom and gloomer" and believe most of the people on this planet will be dead in the near future. I plan to have my DNA survive though. We need to do our best to make sure the few of us who love individual liberty survive. The farm animals around us? Let them walk to their slaughter. I cannot and will not control them.

if a meat-eater for example wanted to refer to himself as a vegetarian, does that really bring vegetarianism into disrepute? Should that mean vegetarians cannot use the word to accurately describe their food preferences? No, because it still applies to them. And one fool misusing the word, or many, shouldn't deteriorate the meaning of a word so much that we are too scared to utter it. We have a choice also to try and re-claim a word after it has been so wrongfully abused, with people misinterpreting its meaning. Labels can be wrongfully claimed and bastardized, but we do not have to stand by and just pretend that those words still do not have a true meaning. ✌

Well, then you could also try to re-claim a word “socialism”, which was terribly abused by the capitalist propaganda. The true meaning was completely humane one, and it was precisely a reason because it was abused (by Hitler and Stalin alike) and was demonized in the post-FDR America:

Escaping into new terminology does not solve anything.

ive got no problem with any individual who allows others and their money to OPT OUT of their ideas :) 👍👍👍👍

and don't assume that the word capitalism also hasn't been abused 😂

ive got no problem with any individual who allows others and their money to OPT OUT of their ideas :)

That is EXACTLY what capitalism does not allow :)

This is why I use the label voluntaryist and term voluntaryism. Our definitions of socialism and capitalism are apparently VERY different.

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