Facebook Admitted It Deletes Political Oriented Accounts On Behalf of US & Israeli Governments.

in #freedom6 years ago

The recent mass deletion of political voices on Facebook not only has a great deal of precedent (they have deleted accounts on a smaller scale for years), but as The Intercept's reporter Glen Greenwald pointed out nearly a year ago - Facebook admits it deletes accounts at the direction of the US/Israeli Governments.

It turns out that Facebook are well known to have deliberately removed large numbers of accounts of Palestinians on the order of the Israeli government for all kinds of reasons - while Israeli profiles are free to post whatever they like, including calling for outright murder and abuse of Palestinians. Why? For whatever reason, the Israeli powerbase is sufficiently strong to twist the arm/mind of the Facebook team and Palestine's suffering is not.

This is a situation that reflects heartlessness and the kind of ignorance that so many died trying to stop in World War 2.

Given that the hundreds of accounts that were deleted by Facebook recently were largely of a kind that would criticise the US government, their policy enforcers and therefore could also result in many people in the government facing criminal charges for actual, valid, serious crimes - we don't need to use much imagination to put 2 and 2 together here.

If you are in a position to have pages removed from Facebook and you see pages on there that highlight your own team's criminal behaviour - you could decide to clean up your act and be transparent/honest about it all - doing what's right.. Orrr, you could just continue the denial of what's right and just try to silence the dissenting voices and whistleblower testimonies in the hope that your denial will be shared by enough of the rest of the world that you get away with it.

Denial is epidemic

Sadly, I have written for over a decade on how the vast majority of our problems on Earth stem from denial - both in our minds, our hearts and of our emotions. As long as we decide on any level to just 'conveniently' ignore the truth, we corrupt our entire being and open the door to a continual creep of more denial and increasingly terrible outcomes - up to and including war, genocide, torture and the destruction of everything sacred. Meanwhile, in our numbed out, denial bubbles - everything is 'just fine'.

Those among us who choose to survive this clusterfuck of denial and stupidity, know that we must do what we can to both end our own denial and to attempt to point out the situation to others.

Delete Facebook

It cannot be a good situation to have a corporation literally control who can and cannot speak in the largest forum on earth, based largely on whether or not the voices involved speak in praise of or in criticism of the ruling political party. Such a situation has nothing to do with 'democracy' and everything to do with authoritarianism and even dictatorship/oligarchy.

The one saving grace here is that since Facebook is a trading company offering a service, the people CAN choose to dump them and move elsewhere - we simply need to be motivated to do so and that means understanding the situation in full.

Move to Steem

I urge everyone here to take more time to look into the Steem blockchain and to realise that it is uncensorable. Steem has it's challenges and is not perfectly decentralised, but it is FAR more decentralised than Facebook is and the new website that is powered by the Steem database - Steempeak - does not support the hiding of comments due to community downvotes, such as Steemit.com does.

I have started to gather resources to make a push to help new users move from Facebook and other controlled networks onto Steem based sites - please take some time to review the following post and help if you can:

Google & Facebook Censor Political Dissent - Let's Invite Their Victims Over To Steem.. Will You Help?

More information will be posted on this soon and resources / chatspaces will be provided to allow teamwork and to ease the onboarding process as much as possible.

Wishing you well,
Ura Soul

I am currently among the top 100 in the Steem User Authority Table

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I run a social network too!


I like the cut of your jib.........Gave a witness vote, upvote and resteem.
Good luck!

Ahoy! Thanks a lot - Much appreciated. :)

At least they now admit it. That's a small start. I'm closing my account anyway, so maybe I should share this article to Flakebook and the run a book on how long it will take to be banned

I'll put some steem on that.

I bet none of the real destructive content was removed from f-c-book.
I bet all of the extra-marital affairs hidden groups are still there.
I bet all the secondary (secret) pages explicitly for hookups are still there.
I bet all the pages who talk in code about where to go for chillin' porn and sex still exist.

F-c-book, after all, was developed for these things.
It was built up and funded to defeat all the real inventors in this market, so that the NSA would have complete information and a central source to control and censor.

Could not agree more by being on Facebook you are supporting their cause.., Leave now! 💯🐒

Great post @ura-soul Upvoting and Resteeming.

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