Angel: A Calico Cat

in #freewrite5 years ago (edited)


I had a lovely Calico Cat, named Angel, who used one of her nine lives on a a trip from Ontario to Prince Edward Island. She was not a Mangy Calico Cat but was a stray calico colored kitten when I first got her.

A Calico Cat has three colors in her fur and is most always female. I have heard having a Calico Cat, even a Mangy Calico Cat, meant luck in money is coming your way. I’m still waiting for that prophecy to be fulfilled. :).

Hubster and I were living in Ontario at the time and travelling to P.E.I. to spent a couple weeks.

Because we were going to be gone this long we had to bring the cat. It’s a long car ride and we stopped at a motel in Quebec. Being summertime with lots of tourists about, the only available room was a honeymoon suite with a hot tub.

We brought the cat into the room and let her out of the cage. Normally she was a quiet cat and would just curl up at the end of the bed.
The next morning she was nowhere in the room. I called the front desk but no one could speak English. The person who signed us in could speak English but she had gone home. I had taken some French in school but not conversational French. It’s an example of use it or lose it but I was able to get across the cat was missing.

We waited all day and no sign of the cat. I ran the full basement of the motel calling for Angel.. When we got to New Brunswick I stopped at the house of a man I knew who was bilingual and got him to phone and find out if the cat showed up.

The manager of the motel was not impressed with my cat! The cat had been hiding under the hot tub and came out to do her business on the bed. Somehow there was a way to get under the tub that wasn’t visible to us.

The manager had phoned the local Humane Society to come and take her. I was able to have my bilingual friend phone the Humane Society and tell them we would be back to pick her up within a week and would pay for her board. We paid the 25 dollars and had my cat back. I was surprised her board was so reasonable.

Angel didn’t seem that put out with her stay there and was as happy to see us as we were to see her. I couldn’t believe we got her back. She really had an angel watching over her.

Angel lived to be 16 yrs. old. I still miss her.

...end of freewrite on Mangy Calico Cat.

Photo is mine of a cat I saw at the winery that reminded me of Angel.

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Lucky Angel :)
I don't know about that belief according to which calico cats bring money to the owners, maybe in Canada :)

Yes she was lucky we were able to retrieve her. Canadians have funny beliefs. 😂

We brought a rescue cat home (years ago) and were convinced it had somehow escaped the house. It was NOWHERE inside our house. We looked EVERYWHERE. And yet, she was somewhere in the house all along. We neverd did figure out where. Cats are ninjas at hiding, and I swear they're like bats, slipping through keyholes. Your calico steals my heart too - especially that last line, so simple, resonating with all of us who've ever loved and lost a feline companion.

Hi Carol. Yes cats are genius ninjas at hiding. Once at my parents, Angel managed to het inside a couch that folded out into a bed. The only way I found her was I felt a lump when I sat on it.

Ohh man, the cat surely felt that, too!
Sneaky little critters, they are.

I also once though my Jeremy, when he was still little, ran away. It was a horrible feeling !! .. I am glad that everything worked out for you end ^^

Thanks @adalger! I was happy we didn’t lose her.

Hi @redheadpei,

A good story with a good ending that did not break the bank.

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Thanks @fitinfun and for delivering the prompt.

Angel sure did have an angel watching over her. Thank goodness there was a happy ending. 16 years is a long life and I know how much you miss her. I enjoyed your story. : )

Thanks @whatisnew! Happy you enjoyed the story. I still miss my calico kitty. 16 yrs is a pretty good lifespan for a pet.

Howdy redheadpei! What a great story! I assume it is true right?

Mornin’ Cowboy! Yes the story is true. It was quite a miracle to get Angel back with the language difference and the distance.

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