
excellent contribution friend I liked very much greetings. I am new I hope you can go through my blog and give me any advice or suggestion

Thank you for your comment.

I’d say go through my resteem of other people’s stuff because, being fairly new myself, I like to educate myself about the platform from time to time.

I suggest joining the freewrite put on by @mariannewest as a way to get a consistent post put up. Simple, fun, and easy. This group has been very supportive of my work thus far. Maybe yours as well.

As for your posts, I cannot read Spanish 🤗.

You might be interested in this link put out by @dustsweeper and put out by @mahdiyari and his team.

@zeus98 read @arcange work on scamming and spamming and straight up suckering and how to protect yourself

@zeus98 @littlescribe is someone who helped me get started and has good advice for us newbies to take into account.

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