Day 2 - 200 Day Contest: Paper -At The End Of The World

Paper - At The End Of The World

Photo taken by @eaglespirit

Time to go to the store to stock up, what else do we need?


What kind of paper?

The usual, ass paper.

Why do we always need so much tissue?

Because, when Shit Hits the Fan, we will have enough paper.

Do you think we will really need this much?

What do you think? We will still need to wipe our ass, nose, and hands.

What about food?

Yea, we'll need some of that too ...

Why do we need to have shelves full of paper though?

I love paper.

Why do you love so much paper?

It feels good.

Where does it feel good?

On my ass ...

Where did this fixation come from?

I dunno, maybe when I was a kid, maybe from a previous life. It doesn't matter, we need paper.

Should we get a pallet of paper?

Now, you are talkin' my language.

I'm not sure I ever saw you smile so much as when we go get paper.

I don't think I do, maybe when I drink whiskey.

Yeah, when you drink whiskey you are definitely smiling! Do all boy's love paper and whiskey?

I think so, I'm not sure, probably whiskey for sure.

My time ran out and my five minute timer went off ...

If you are interested in checking out this contest hosted by @mariannewest, click here.

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine Woman in training, first time blogger since November 2017, right here on Steemit, paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. If that’s you, please say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit

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hehehehehe this is funny and so true :D

Thank you for making me laugh!

yay i made snook laughhhh!! thats an award in of itself!! 😘😘😘

This made me LOL...too funny. Yep, that's where ya need it. Whiskey and paper for me too. Good plan.

awww yay! so glad !! i love making people laugh and especially those that get my humor. :) see i knew it ... boyssssss

I LOVE this. It's so funny and quirky. A conversation about bog roll hahahah :D


thanks anj unfortunately a weekly convo 😣😣😣

what is it with the fixation on toilette paper? My husband comes close to a panic when it looks like we are low LOL

i have no idea but im
glad im not the only one who this happens to!!

What a fun read! I have a dear friend much like this 😊 a good person to know when the shit hits the fan!

Thanks for the smiles.

thanks so much BD!! if i wasnt such a prepper id say i was a great person to know too, lose my identity after this convo 😂🤣😂🤣😂🤣

Wow. You are intense. I thought 100 days is too much for me.

luckily the hope is for 50 days!!

Great post. I couldn't join the contest because I was traveling, hindsight I should have, LOL! It seems so much fun! Good luck, girlfriend!

its super fun and yeah prob woulda been hard to find a banana or paper on the road... buahahahah

too much stress considering you are flying, packing, trying to relax on the beach .... ho hum .... thank you for the well wishes! :)

This was interesting and different. Definitely funny!

if you never had the convo then you are one of the lucky ones!!

Bathroom tissue and whiskey……both likely to be useful when the shit hits the fan.
I’s your promptest of prompt delivery engineers here with the challenge for today:

very much so and thanks for the prompt!!

Never thought we can talk about ass paper that way... hahaha... nice one!

if you didnt know then count your blessings!! its a convo a girl doesnt really like having, at least this girl.

very very lucky you have no idea how lucky

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