Day 50 - Selfie Freewrite Celebration Contest ---> Last Day of 50!! Computer Chips

in #freewritehousecontest6 years ago (edited)

Computer Chips

As I write this last Selfie contest number 50, I'm a little choked up to think I will not get to see all my friendly faces every day. On the other hand, those of us that made it I congratulate all who stuck it out and hug each one of you in celebration!

Just like @karpediem I thought of the show CHIPs but I wanted to be different so I chose to write about computer chips. My memory goes back to playing on the gigantic IBM computers that looked like spaceships at my mom's job. Since she worked for AT&T they had all the new funky gadgets, and I got to play with them. I was even allowed to help here "work."

As time went on and Apple became the fave in the San Francisco Bay Area I got to try out everything new at my high school. For some reason Apple must have known someone and they got in where it was good, and us kids got to be the guinea pigs for all new ideas.

The computer chip was invented approximately 50 years ago by a guy named Jack Kilby working under Texas Instruments and funding provided by the military.

This is what happened:

Many of the electronics products of today could not have been developed without Kirby's tiny chip. The chip virtually created the modern computer industry, transforming yesterday's room-size machines into today's array of mainframes, minicomputers and personal computers.

The chip restructured communications, fostering a host of new ways for instant exchanges of information between people, businesses and nations.

Without the chip, man could not explore space or fly to the moon.
The chip helps the deaf to hear and is the heartbeat of a myriad of medical diagnostic machines.
The chip has also touched education, transportation, manufacturing and entertainment.

For Texas Instruments, the integrated circuit has played a pivotal role. Over the years, the company has produced billions of chips. But the integrated circuit has done more than help grow TI. It has enabled an entire industry to grow. Since 1961, the worldwide electronics market has grown from $29 billion to nearly $1,500 billion.

Honestly, I had no idea Texas Instruments was still in business until this prompt.

Ending on a fare thee well to all of my Fackers participating in this contest. I want to bid you all a happy Selfie future and to never forget your girl Eagle Spirit. I will be thinking of you all always and how much fun we had coming up with things to do these past 50 days. Blessing to you!

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Thank you for stopping by to read my blog. I’m a First Nation member of the Hopi & Apache Native American tribes, Medicine woman in-training, first time blogger since November 2017, (right here on Steemit), paralegal, researcher, and writer based in the Mountains of Colorado, USA. I work closely with fellow planktons and minnows in a few groups by helping them adjust to Steemit and curate quality content. I’m especially interested in finding others who love natural medicine originating from ancient practices, gold and silver, energy work, and the spirit world. Additionally, I'm the creator of #MedicineCardMonday, so if you are interested in receiving a Native American blessing stop by my blog every Monday, or just say hello!
See you soon, @eaglespirit



Those chips have changed everything it seems. I can not believe the advances. Even this phone (Galaxy Note 8) is so sophisticated, far past my comprehension. The speed with which this world turns thanks to chips and the places we can travel, both electronically and physically have no boundaries anymore. Much love to my beautiful @eaglespirit.

@wandrnrose7 hehe too funny and yeah re chips. wild wild wild
i felt your love and i thank you so much. i needed that.

Oh what a neat idea! I've totally missed these somehow; I need to go back through soon as I find time! :D

@uniwhisp UNIIIII!! how are you?? i'm working on fridays now and can't tune in ... wahhhhh
thank you so much for stopping by, i checked out your blog to see when you post, i have to keep checking bc i hadn't seen anything the last i checked. hope you are well. :)

Congratulations @eaglespirit. That really is some achievement.

I'm sure it will feel a bit strange if you've been doing this for fifty days, to stop now, but hopefully something equally fun will take it's place.

Well done again! 😍

@gillianpearce hey thanks GP!! :)
i can' believe 50 days passed so fast ... it was time to end for sure and thank goodness.
thanks thanks and thank you. hugs.

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