Normal development of the lower limbs. Things to know...

in #fundition5 years ago


genu valgo and genu varo

The genu valgo (legs in X) and genu varo can be normal depending on the age of the child. In adults, if we draw a line from the hip to the knee and from the knee to the ankle, we see that it is not straight, there is an angle of about 6º-7º between them. This is called genu valgo physiológico.

From this age until 6-7 years, you can see the opposite, the legs are a position of valgus (or X). From 8-10 years of age, and will adopt the alignment that can be seen in adults.




The causes of genu valgo and varo are multiple and go beyond the limits of this publication. In overweight children a false genu valgo can be observed because the thighs prevent the ankles from touching each other and the legs separate giving a false valgus situation.

A genuine valgus or varus can also be observed in adulthood without any type of disease. In many cases there is an important genetic load on the part of one of the parents. At the end of growth, the child will have the shape of the legs in the image of the father or mother.


Evolution and Treatment

Gen varo and valgo physiological in the child spontaneously correct with growth. In pathological deformities, genu valgus or varus is not corrected and, when walking on a twisted axle load, overloads the inner or outer part of the knee. In this situation, it is appropriate to correct the axle load to avoid evolution towards early osteoarthritis.

Neither insoles nor physiotherapy nor orthoses correct the axis of the legs. They have no place in the treatment of an axial deformity. Long orthoses not only do not correct but can also be harmful.

The only effective treatment is surgical. In the child, his or her open growth plates can be used to direct the remaining growth of the knee towards correction. These small surgical gestures can prevent major surgeries on the bone in the adult.

Dr. Leopoldo Maizo - Orthopedic Surgeon


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