Fundraising 4 Friends Displaced by Fire

in #fundraising5 years ago


On Wednesday of last week, we were alerted by 2 of our closest friends in Bill & Christina that their house had burnt down. They along with the kids are completely safe and nobody was injured, but the home is unfortunately unlivable. With over half the house devastated by the fire and the rest destroyed by soot, smoke, and’s going to be a long road for them to get back to some sense of normalcy.

They will be displaced for 9-12 months as the home is gutted and basically rebuilt from the ground up. They stayed with Christina’s folks one night, us another, and have had a hotel but are getting into a temporary condo later in the week. Luckily the home will be rebuilt within the means of the policy they held so that’s the good news. The bad news is they lost almost everything and will be rebuilding from the ground more ways than one.

One of the boys lost everything he owned which is a hard thing for a kid to comprehend. Clothing, furniture, electronics, and ant virtually everything will have to be rebought. So my wife started a Gofund me to help alleviate sone of that hardship. We are keeping it a secret from them for the time being but when we hopefully reach that goal, will surprise them with this.

I know you don’t know these people but they are some of my closest friends. We spend several days a month with them and are some of the best people on the planet. If you are able to spare even a dollar, that would help go a long way in bringing them back to sone sense of normalcy. Thanks for taking a look.



My father in law had a close call with some Bushfire activity recently. It burned up to his property boundary on three sides and was held off by firefighters (the 4th boundary was a road which made for a natural firebreak).

Happy to have helped with a small donation.

Absolutely super awesome of you. Thank you so much. It’s doing well thanks in part to people like yourselves.

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Best of wishes for your friends.

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Thanks so much. They will rise above. Much love.

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It's Not Whether You Get Knocked Down, It's Whether You Get Up

Very true my friend. Thanks a ton.

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