Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus Game Review, A Great Game Marred By Social Commentary.

in #gaming7 years ago

So i knew this was going to be a contentious game for numerous reasons, after their marketing campaign and rampant SJW nonsense i was very hesitant to actually play Wolfenstein 2, however being the objectivist I am i though "What the hell, lets play it anyway" and as such i was pretty conflicted throughout the game, it's very hard to compartmentalize a game that is actively insulting me for my political beliefs however i wanted to view it from a game play lens and as such i'll be breaking down the review into different parts and judging them solely on their own merits.

So lets strap on our nazi stomping boots and charge the LaserKraftWerk and dive into Wolfenstein 2 - The New Colossus.
There will be partial spoilers in the story line and social commentary part.

Plot and Setting

Wolfenstein 2 takes place roughly 5 months after the events of Wolfenstein 1, BJ has just killed General Deathshead and is lays dying on top of the compound as the they fire the nuke to level the compound, as BJ accepts his fate and closes his eyes he's awoken by Anya,Set and Bombate as they stabilize him and get him into the chopper before nuking the entire island, as BJ is slowly dying his revisits his childhood, memories of chasing Deathshead and his relationship with anya, intermittently cut by lucid moments of having surgery to save his life, overall he's not in a good place.

5 months pass and BJ is awoken to the sound of gunfire, only this time his body is shutting down and he can no longer walk, however since it's BJ he grabs the closest wheelchair and gets to work clearing the U-boat of Nazi's after they start to take control of the ship however an old enemy shows her face in the form of General Engel, the Nazi commandant from the work camp in Wolfenstein 1 who is out for blood after the events of the first game.

I'm going to skip a little bit here because it contains some pretty heavy spoilers, but after the events of your meeting with General Engel you return to the U-boat ready to start a revolution across the world one kill at a time, for the most part you'll be actively undermining the Nazi machine in the United States now completely under Nazi control where dissent is met with brutal purges and torture and the reigning class seems to be happy with their new life.

It's up to you and BJ's team to undermine them one step at a time while BJ deals with the events of the start of the game and the previous game as he fights to free America so that his children won't have to live under the oppressive thumb of the Reich.

Story Line and Social Commentary

The story line of Wolfenstein 2 is a little bit weak when compared to Wolfenstein 1, this largely has to do with the social commentary that was shoehorned in by the developers about the current political climate in America, anyone who has read my previous articles knows that I enjoy politics very much so, but when it come's to coming i'm trying to escape the real world for a few hours, sadly Wolfenstein 2, an alternative timeline of history set in the 60's is pretty much just a plot device so the developers can snipe at Donald trump and his supporters and well basically anyone who isn't on the left or believes in SJW issues.

The story line is actually pretty decent, BJ is still dealing with things through internal monologues and struggling with the things that are happening as he progresses through the new America and you can easily get sucked into it however this is where the problem lays, it's incredibly jarring when the story line shifts from a serious, harrowing plot or dialogue and completely changes in a few seconds into SJW nonsense.

For example when you first meet Grace walker(More on her later) she tells you the tale of how she survived the nuke in New York she is vacantly telling you about a boy she saw walking around with the skin melted off his arms looking for his mother, the mother is missing half of her body and crawling towards the boy trying to save him, it's a pretty serious moment, then BJ says "Balls of steel" and Grace launches into a tirade about males being fragile and [Insert feminist propaganda] and it completely kills the mood of the story that's being told, it's like this for most of the game sadly.

As a whole however the storyline is pretty decent, however there are some parts that leave you going "uhhhhhhhh" especially after the court room(won't spoil it) but overall it's still faithful to Wolfensteins new franchise and the story progresses the same way as the first dealing with things as they come and getting into the head of BJ and his crew that is helping him.

A side review

After playing the game for a while i found something kind of striking well, a couple of things really, that in the developers haste to pander to SJW's and the gamergate crowd, seem to have completely overlooked for some reason, i'll break them down below.

  • It's actually offensive to everyone BUT Nazi's.

This is something i was talking about yesterday with friends but the "diversity" group of the game are actually pretty fucking offensive to the people they're supposed to portray, for example, Grace Walker the leader of the New York resistance cell is the most over the top stereotypical "strong black woman" they could of possibly made, she has an uncontrolled afro, a random kid that's used as a plot device, smokes non stop, refers to any authority as pigs and uses words like Jive and Turkey(words that weren't popular until the 80's) she also needs to add motherfuck/er/ing/ers to nearly every fucking sentence she says, she's always a stereotypical feminist and has a token white boyfriend.

At the risk of writing an entire side review there are numerous characters like this throughout the entire game that are pretty much the most stereotype you can find, the only character that is still done extremely well and isn't offensive to who he portrays is Set Roth thankfully because i always get a chuckle of him talking in yiddish and hebrew.

Now i wish i could just focus on the story line and put these issues aside but they're so ingrained in the plot that it's almost impossible to ignore them, this was most prevalent within the first 10 minutes of the game as you witness a flashback of BJ's dad who is the biggest caricature for what people today believe people on the right are, within 5 minutes he check off nearly every box but the problem is it's so over the top it's almost comical, he's an over the top racist, anti semite, woman beater, homophobe and animal and child abuser and you learn all this within literally 5 minutes of meeting him, i'm a big fan of letting characters unfurl so seeing this was a big "this is pandering" to me.

There are also little digs are current political figures like Donald trump, when you first reach New Mexico if you go the gas station and pick up the newspaper you'll be treated the devs calling President trump a nazi and his supporters brown shirts, there's literally numerous things like this which pisses me off since i'm here to fight 1960's Nazi's that have taken over the world, not people who have opposing political views in 2017.

But, lets move on i said this would be a two part review and we've got that part out of the way so lets dive into some real game play and enjoyment.


This is personally my favourite part of the review as it has nothing to do with anything else and i can just review it from an objective viewpoint, graphically Wolfenstein 2 is an amazing looking game on ultra the character models and facial animations are great and pretty realistic in the cut scenes, while still rather a "closed" game the set pieces are still incredibly attractive and some of the places you visit are immaculately detailed the New Mexico city comes to mind, it looks extremely crisp and looks like an active city with things happening in the foreground that you don't even interact with.

Graphics for a game like Wolfenstein are pretty hard to detail in a review as i'll just sound like a wanker breaking down tessellation and lighting and sharpening factors, really the best thing for you to do here is just check out the screenshots throughout the article or go to YouTube and watch a graphic demonstration, it's a beautiful looking game and words just don't do it justice, seeing really is believing.

Game Play

The game play for Wolfenstein 2 is largely the same as number 1, however it actually builds on it and makes it feel a lot more fluid and enjoyable while the Run'n'Gun Vs Stealth style is still there, there's also numerous new additions to the game that unlock as you progress the story line, new weapons and enemies are everywhere as well as upgrades and the like the key point here is is that the game feels and plays very smoothly, in many ways the combat is now very DOOM-esque however the enemies seem to be a lot smarter than the first game as they will flank you and flush you out of area's and on higher difficulties you'll get shredded in seconds if you don't stay on your toes and out play them.

The gameplay is still largely an FPS game with added puzzles and collectibles just like the first, the only real problem is is that the guns feel a little bit under powered until you unlock some upgrades but this is usually a good thing as it teaches you the basics of aiming in the game until you augment your kit for me i went with the marksman scope on the assault rifle as soon as i could and it went from wasting endless mags of ammo on enemies to head shotting them with efficiency there are a few little surprises that i won't ruin but ultimately the game play is no so dissimilar from the first one, and in my eyes that's a great thing since Wolfenstein 1's combat system was amazing.

There are a few upgrades and weapon unlocks but ultimately it's going to be pretty much fluid throughout the entire gaming when unlocking new weapons and causing mayhem the game play portion of Wolfenstein 2 really has no downsides to be perfectly honest hence the title of the article and i think anyone would be hard pressed to find issue with the gun play and the movement styles of Wolfenstein 2.

Should you buy the game?

This is a question friends have asked me and i'm still coming to terms with this, now usually i would say ignore me and go pick up the game first but i don't want to give the wrong impression to you guys reading this who might value my opinion, so i'll break down a little bit of my reasoning for and against buying the game outright now.

If you're largely immune to Politics and current social issues you should really find no problem with buying it, i'm heavily involved in politics so I can spot things a lot easier than most people do about this game but on the hand like i said above it may be pretty jarring to you even if you aren't interested in politics as the story dialogue can rapidly switch for no reason and completely break your immersion there are also some pretty questionable things about the story that don't really make sense and may throw you off the game as a whole as they can really make you sit there and say "what the fuck is this?" they're few and far between but they're still pretty god damn confronting when they happen.

On the other hand if you're the type to be completely anti sjw i'd probably miss this game as it will undoubtedly ruin your experience, I was very aware going in to what was going to be in this game but i wasn't fully prepared to the extent it was going to go, you can very very very easily see the developers at MachineGames are on the left and will usually end up insulting you through the game by insinuating that you're a Nazi if you supported Trump or have Right wing beliefs.

It honestly pisses me off that i have to talk about this while reviewing a game, i love gaming and always have and the fact that i have review real world events as well really irks me because i believe gaming is something that everyone can do with everyone else and shouldn't divide people but rather bring them together which an enjoyable hobby, so a personal fuck you to Machine Games.

Critical Review.

The critical review for Wolfenstein 2 The New Colossus is as stands in the title, game play wise it's a fun and enjoyable experience that will keep you on your toes and give you some amazing visuals to look at and has enough content to keep you interested for a second play through, strictly as a game Wolfenstein 2 is pretty amazing and i would suggest buying it solely for that.

However the never ending social commentary and shoehorned diversity and equality story line are a complete detriment to the game itself i don't even think people on the left would enjoy this game any more than people on the right would because it is, shoehorned in and it becomes kind of insulting and offensive to both sides when you realize that the story line is essentially the most extremist version of today's political landscape and if you're like me you just want to get away from it for a bit and enjoy a fucking video game, well too bad because now it's here in game form and if you're going to enjoy an awesome game like Wolfenstein 2, you're going to have to bare with this for better or worse.

Ultimately i stand by what i said, this is a great game that is partially ruined by the social pandering, but it's not as well I want to say "prevalent" as some might make it out, so ultimately i'm going to do what i always do and recommend you buy this game if you're interested in it, regardless of my opinion or anyone elses, ultimately it's always up to you to find out what you enjoy and i feel this contentious game is no different.

Thanks for taking the time to read my article, if you have enjoyed this please feel free to up-vote or resteem, also leave a comment or question below if you have any and i'll get back to you as soon as possible, thanks!


Honestly, I am actively boycotting Bethesda now. All they do is resell Skyrim for n-th million time for 60$, try to act like they support modders, when all they do is try to steal their light, and now spew SJW nonsense. I'm even left leaning, and I hate this shit. They're shtick that "the game was always about fighting nazis" is a load of horse shit. That motto is obviously a dig at the Trump campaign. Again, I don't even like Trump, and I'm forced to defend the guy because of the useless nonsense they constantly attack him with.

Now to the review, good work mate, but regardless of story and probably good mechanics, I refuse to support Bethesda. It's especially easy since this is an FPS and they're not my cup of tea, but I will refrain from even buying Fallout games, a franchise that I absolutely love.

PS: you have a typo in the first paragraph of the social commentary chapter.

I have a million typos since i usually get lost in the review haha.

Yeah i know what you mean, i have friends who are very left leaning while i'm very right wing who don't understand why this shit was put in the game, there's also numerous snipes at him and him administration in the small collectibles you pick up that serve 0 purpose.

I also agree with you about Bethesda, Todd howard is a piece of shit who should be fired and bethesda needs to let Skyrim die so we get Elder scrolls 6, it's really a love hate for me, i was really impressed with Wolfenstein The new order that i couldn't just let this one slip by me but yeah the shoehorned SJW bullshit everywhere really does ruin it.

Cheers for the comment sebi!

No worries mate. I also threw in a follow. Nice to see fellow games around. I also post about gaming and politics ;)

Regarding the game, I had no qualms letting this go. As stated, not a big fan of shooters, unless they got a cool story or something. For example, as much as I hate CoD, the single player portion is a guilty pleasure of mine. But since this game is just single player and it starts off with an SJW marketing campaign... well fuck that shit! Too many SJW in the real wolrd, don't want the same nonsense in my games.

Both Todd Howard and Pete Hines of Bethesda are fucking lying cunts. Since they're mostly calling the shots on this crap with them, rererererererererererereleasing Skyrim (which is only still fun because of mods), and fucking up modders, who are the sole reason their games even work. Well, since they're still there and shitting on us, who made Bethesda what it is, well, I refuse to buy anything they sell, don't give a shit if it's any good.

PS: I'm left leaning socially, as stated before, and I absolutely loathe this crap. I'm an actual liberal, who lives by "live and live" mostly. Economically, I'm center right though. Overall, the political compass points me to being very libertarian, slightly left leaning. I'll probably do a post at some point with this.

So what do you think when you compare this to the prequel? Does the sequel overachieves and does a better job? Or do you consider the first game a cult and think of this a mere sequel?

See it's really hard to answer that since they both play the same, have the same mechanics and the same meta that makes the first one amazing, it really is just down to the terrible Social Commentary everywhere that makes me dislike it.

Cheers for the comment aykut.

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