Rockstar release Red Dead Redemption 2 gameplay trailer

in #gaming6 years ago

Rockstar Games released the official gameplay trailer for Red Dead Redemption 2, which reveals many new gameplay features. The trailer reveals some plot points, combat mechanics and a ton of new ways to interact with the world. While critics praised Red Dead Redemption for its smooth gunplay, explorable world and innovating horseback controls, the sequel improves everything. Keen viewers will notice that this official trailer is only Part 1 of the introduction to gameplay. From this, gamers can assume that Rockstar have many new mechanics to reveal.

Protagonist, Arthur Morgan. Source: Rockstar Games

The first gameplay details that Rockstar reveal are how the plot incorporates itself into the world. As a member of the Dutch Van der Linde gang, the player, along with the rest of the gang, will be constantly on the move. As a result, many of the games locations are camp sites for the gang. In these campsites, the player will interact with NPCs, who are full-fledged characters, for sidequests and trading. How the player interacts with the camp will impact on their morale, unlocking mini-games and secrets. The world beyond the camp is full of distractions, just like previous games. This includes the mini-games and secrets players can unlock through NPCs, but also entire towns, bandit camps and wildernesses to explore. The world is full of activites including fishing, hunting, bar games and of course, robberies.

The Dutch Van der Linde Gang. Source: Red Dead Redemption 2

Rockstar has added a lot of depths to the way the player interacts with NPCs, both in and out of the camp. The player has the ability to talk themselves in and out of trouble, intimidate or silence witnesses, and form alliances, partnerships and friendships. All of these interactions can be done from horseback, which has been reworked and tweaked to add more depth. Included in these gameplay tweaks are some adjustments to combat. From the trailer, gunplay looks more fluid than before, but maintains the grit that gave the first game its Western feel. The trailer ends with a tease for the next trailer, which will discuss the sharpshooter mechanics introduced to the Dead Eye system.

It was just last week that Red Dead Redemption 2's publishers, Take-Two Interactive, stated that they have huge expectations for the game. CEO Strauss Zelnick stated “we fully expect the October 26 launch of Red Dead Redemption 2 to mark yet another creative milestone in Rockstar Games’ renowned history, and will further illustrate their ability to deliver entertainment experiences that redefine the industry and captivate audiences throughout the world.”

With the gameplay on display in this trailer, it is hard to dispute it. Gamers Classified stated that we believe "with Red Dead Revolver and Red Dead Redemption being comparable to A Fistful of Dollars (1964), For a Few Dollars More (1965), then Red Dead Redemption 2 looks to be gaming’s The Good, The Bad and The Ugly (1966)."

Robberies and Heist are just one of many activities in Red Dead Redemption 2. Source: Rockstar Games

Red Dead Redemption 2 is available for PlayStation 4 and Xbox One on 26 October, 2018. For information on the three different editions, click here.

Nick McDonald @gamersclassified


Gamers Classified


and other epic bigger game from rockstar, they only make the best in games this last years.

Indeed. I really look forward to this game! I'm getting abit bored of GTA V online now haha!

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