Slump is gone. Now aiming directly to Challenger.

in #gaming6 years ago

I wasn't posting about my games recently due to a slump. What happened is that I tried multiple times playing ranked games while at home and had a lot of defeats.

The primary reason for the defeats are the lag. I know the internet is not stable but I still tried to do it so that was my fault. I felt embarassed showing my match history with everyone so I decided not to post altogether. Why I did that? Because I thought If I can play even if lagging, I can speed up my ranked promotions which had the negative effect.

Another reason is I am trying to expand my champion pool. I am known as a Tahm Kench Top Main. Don't get me wrong. I really love the champion and he is still my best pick. As you can see, here are the last 2 days that I went with him in ranked and normal.

I was trying to increase my champion pool since I wanted to go back to my roots. Before I played Tahm, my strategy is counter picking. It is still the best strategy since Tahm can counter most match ups but I want to fill the gaps wherein I have difficult matchups with him (e.g. Fiora, Trundle, etc).

It did not went well so I am going back to picking fights with the River King on my side.

I will be starting to post my games probably twice or thrice a week when there's interesting things going on.

Here is my champion pool as of the moment.

Tahm Kench - First picks / Blind Picks (when you don't know the opponent)

Chogath - First Pick / Blind Pick (I choose this champ when Tahm Kench is Banned or if someone picked him due to his lane sustain)

Tryndamere - Split Pusher (I pick him when I see the picks that aren't compatible. Ex. We have a Galio Midlane and Janna Botlane. Galio Ultimate requires opponent to be close to each other. Janna on the other hand, pushes everyone away from her. I pick Tryndamere and go solo play. Never team fight and just push. It works.)

Pantheon - Early Pressure (I pick him when Tahm and Cho gath is countered and Tryndamere will not have an easy time. Ex. Fiora, Teemo, Quinn)

Malzahar - Midlane (Quick wave clear and safe to play). With the Minion Dematerializer runes, I can quickly push the wave with Q>W>E then roam.

Anivia - Midlane. My other main (Control Mage that requires setup, ex. Jarvan Ult, or any tank with Crowd Control. I can win game 2v5 if the tank is good at protecting.)

My next post will be an update on the new item. There are already posts about the Storm Razor and it will be really good. There will also be an update to the Infinity Edge which I would cover next when the patch comes. I will tell you what champions abuses them and what items, skills, champions complements them the best. I have few in mind but will need to test them first.

~ ~

All Photos are from my account.

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