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RE: Twitch is slowly going down...

in #gaming5 years ago

He also got a few times a temp bann from twitch should always think about this also . He was banned for Racism if i mentioned right and the last time he was banned because of streaming from a toilett which is illegal in some states !

As far i know from a few german partner i watch often they can apply 2 or 3 times a year for the Front Page !

He is a Entertaining streamer but not the type of streamer i watch and if you where twitch would you want that a guy that you bannend a few times is on the Frontpage and be the face of your company at this time ?

Every Story has 2 Sides .


It is hard to answer that because I wouldn't be a centralized platform in the first place. But when they lose him, they will feel it... I hope he will leave soon just to see what will happen

Yeah you are not a centrailzed plattform but you are a curator for vimm .But you can ask yourself the question from Vimm's point of view.

Vimm bannend also People for Racism ,porn ,and copyright fraud ,as you may know . Sometimes viewer and reach are not everything a company should look for !

On the Otherhand every Partner should have the same Chance for a frontpage place ,if he sticks to the rules. So if that's true that he never had a frontpage place (which I can't imagine) then twitch definitely made a mistake there!
I can rather imagine that he had this or last year no Frontpage place, because of his offences against the TOS and the following blockings

I agree if he was acting racist. But why not put him before on the front page? Probably he's right when he says that they are favoriting some streamers. At the end of the day, they are centralized.

But as you said also, maybe he was on the front page before but he is trying to make this louder as it should be...

Who knows..

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