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RE: Fall rains in S. Utah! Out.. collecting rose hips and roses!

in #gardening6 years ago

Whaaa? These photos are absolutely gorgeous and just in case you didn't know SteepShot takes a cut of your payout ... try Portiko, Busy or SteemPeak for a quick blog. Love love love these natural photos and I can feel the love!!

Much love,
eagle spirit


Thanks sis~! I love partiko, busy and steempeak! so perfect...i just wish i could add more pictures than just one. maybe i'm missing it somewhere....? the button to add more than one? i love being able to capture moments....while i'm actually walking around the forest. apps like steepshot and partiko make it soooo easy! i realize some people freak out...when people post just one image. i'm hoping @appics will blow steepshot outta the water...and have no beneficiary rewards. loving the posts i'm seeing...from users testing it. i just shared your four corners a few peeps. mind and heart so blown over here! felt town!!!! so much love!!!

coolio bro bro!:)
i heard partiko allows more than one pic now. i havent tried since they said i can only use one tho LOL
yeasi love love love your pics forevahhhhhhh
ooo i only heard whispers of appics ... hmmm
yay thank you so much for sharing woo hooo
much much much love to you,
eagle spirit

steepshot...won't actually post for me half the! dtube wouldn't work for me yesterday either....dohhhhh! lovin' these early days...of the steem blockchain!

yeah they suck lol
plus the charge ... yeah i have issues with all appsconnected to steemit lol
yup beta dayssszz and dayzzz lol

ps...sister. how does one get invited into steem basic income? or any others you recommend?

well, someone like me gives to your account and iget one too is how it usually works. you can also send 1 steem per 1 sbi for your own account just put your handle in the memo :)

thank you for that insight sister. i must learn more about all these little avenues...of the steem world. learning.....CURVE...but i LOVE IT! :)

no worries, if you have questions i am very happy to help you. :)

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