Update on the gnarly things

in #gardening5 years ago

crassula elegans.jpg

Crassula elegans is a dwarf species that I have always admired and I recieved a tiny plant as a gift in April. They are winter growers so I have been pleasantly surprised by the number of new leaves it has made, it has more than doubled in size. People may wonder what on earth I am going on about, it's still a tiny plant but succulents are such slow growing plant that is fairly unusual to see something double in size during the course of one growing season. When it shuts down in summer, the leaves will turn bright red and it becomes extremely attractive.

adromischus marianae.jpg

Adromischus marianae comes from the same area and also grows in winter and shuts down in summer. I thought it would be difficult to grow but it's done very well with morning sun under the overhang outside the back door. Once it becomes much warmer in about two month's time, I will stop watering it. The leaves are nice and fat and it won't need water until atumn.


very special plant, looks great.

Thank you

Their shape reminds me of the fractals created by the mandelbulb software.

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I don't know that, I'll look into it

It's fascinating how plants adapt to be able to store water to sustain themselves for an entire season or more! Someone at a local plant show here was selling "resurrection plants" which can evidently lie on a dormant dried state for years and then come back to life in the presence of moisture.


Yes, those grow on the hill near me, they are amazing

Son preciosas. Retorcidas o no, me encantan.

These flowers, especially in the first photo, are very similar to small figures of people.

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