in #gardening6 years ago

The Timor Black Bamboo, or (BAMBUSA LAKO) is a non-invasive, clumping black bamboo. It grows from around 21m in height, and has very attractive black glossy culms. This particular bamboo is not very cold or wind tolerant, and prefers a warm sheltered position.


The culms start off growing green in colour, before maturing to a striking shiny shade of black. This bamboo is spectacular, and makes a fantastic ornamental plant, that is perfect for screening. Bamboos also help with soil erosion, because of their matted root systems.


The young green shoots are edible, and the timber is popular for building materials, as the black colour remains even after harvesting.


They are perfect for being kept in a large pot, or container. Bamboos are also self mulching because of the fallen leaves and husks.

Photos and content by white.tiger


That one is beautiful. Bamboo in my country is small, brown and invasive. It's so nice to look at these

Yes, the clumping bamboos are non-invasive, and stay in neat circles. There are some really beautiful ones.

I love black bamboo, nice post and info

Time to go to a chiropractor to get my neck cracked back into place.
I must say though, these bamboo look real good. The colours make them pop out more.

Ahhaha, 😂 Thats so funny. It is a bit like that. I walk around taking photos looking up for a while, and my neck definitely does get sore.

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