Musing 30

in #gemstone-healing6 years ago (edited)

Wednesday - Mercury - Raphael - quicksilver - topaz - elm - yellow - lungs, glands - millet - 7-14 yrs

This morning, I started reading “Il Principe” (Machiavelli,”The Prince”) on my phone in an experiment. I put the print into “very large”, giving me, at times, less than a sentence per page. True, in the good old-fashioned writing style of the early 16th century, it is composed in proper run-on lines that amble for sonorous pleasure as much as meaning. Or perhaps much meaning therein lies. Ah, the Florentine sweetness of it…. Well, no, we can’t be saying that about an egomaniacal psychopath, now can we?

[Left: Niccolò Machiavelli by Santi di Tito].

There be no Machs here on Steemit, naturally, for you need to put your own agent well above community building and the concerns of others to fall into this disturbed psychology. However, fundamentally, I suppose (still have to get stuck into the work), Machiavelli was a product of his age, when the individualisation process really started to take off with independent thinking and pro-active streams of creativity; then the perversion of the I is quick to happen if you don’t go about unfolding this I deftly, dilligently, with a discipline that monitors the tender buds of the heart. The Frost Giants are ever waiting to snatch up an innocent child to devour her like a chocolate flake in his daily ice-cream cone. Fight them at your own peril.

Anyway, it being Wednesday, day of Mercury, the winged-god with healing staff (cf Raphael) and satelite dishes in hand (the communicator-connector-singer/songwriter spirit of Hermes and Apollo, the bard with the lyre), I return to my ever fresh observation that how you read probably makes all the difference to what you have read. It is the same for telling it like it is, with a spoonful of sugar (“it is much to my regret…”) or in blatant, unmistakeable terms (“You’re fired!”).

Tricky Page-turning

I have pretty okay fine motor skills - still, this far out in life, fingers crossed - but I am all fingers and no thumbs on my phone, and there is something terribly wrong with my finger-tips (it's a source of great irritation with my son): I have no recognisable print and the screen regularly remains insenstive to my touch (which apparently, according to the expert son, is too firm. But I think it prooves I am a overly-magnetised or otherwise a zombie in real life.). Lets not start on my fat fingers which type garbled spaghetti soup on a keyboard made for Thumbalina. In short: getting my pages to turn prooves, therefore a challenge, and one I have to enter into frequently now, with this very large print accomodating my eyes if not so much the flow of the text.

A few swipes later and I note I am distracted by this inane action. So, finger, are we liking this? How’s the shoulder involved? Are we not over-working the one side? But is this not the same for reading? Never noticed my page turning hand before!

And then I set to wondering how far I have to go. Will The Prince last me a train ride? To be sure, for I am a slow reader, easily distracted - although being neither obviously in- or extroverted, sitting in public helps me draw within, close off and concentrate all the better, maybe the people functioning like a Grandin Cattle Shute for me - but it’s impossible to tell how much there is to go. The 903 pages indicated on the screen seem absurd. This is not Gargantua and Pantagruel. I’ve held a copy of The Prince in my hands: the marvel of it is how light-weight it is, yet thoroughly dense.

All that is lost in an electronic world.

It's no longer Machiavelli there in the book in my hands, on the armrest, on the bistro table, on the page in the sunlight, under the lamp; no longer spotted by my fellow traveller who might think, oh, yeah, that's right, still meant to read that one; it's only Machiavelli quietly infiltrating my mind - or not. Poof, disappeared once the battery is dead. Left to ferment in a darkness that can grow gloopier than in a shut book.

Pffff. Time for a little light. Back to the crystals.

Why Minerals (Gemstones) Heal

Minerals directly effect our bodies. On an indisputable, observable (microscopic) level they build our enzymes (which metabolise us), they stimulate our sensory perception, and regulate our waterhouse-hold. In more holistic terms they are integral to our etheric body. This body also contains our memory; this in turn opens up a whole new field of (psychological) workings healing minerals may have.

I can hear the sceptic protest: yes, yes, all good and well, but that's when you ingest dissoluble minerals. Nothing much but great discomfort, danger or death will follow swallowing a sharp rock. Even drinking water "charged" by certain crystals (notably unpolished stones) is said to be hazzardous where we use porous or crumbly stones: their chemical elements (toxins) will be absorbed by the water. At least, don't try this with a lump of sulfur or some flakey cyanite. But these points precisely advocate a much more circumspect approach, like wearing the crystal upon your person, meditating with it, placing them on your nadis or chakras in a Reiki session, or displaying a geode in a room, allowing its "information" or energy to influence/inform your own.

Mineral rock formations show most clearly or demonstrably of all complentary aids how such "good vibes" are actually present and transferred by a vibrational dancing. The patterning inherent to the chemical compound (that attractive, geometrical, molecular structure you learn to draw in school) is a constant movement of electrons, protons and neutrons, varied per different elementary composition. As it goes in a dance, this dance partner invites you to follow its lead and match its rhythm.


Thus for the largest mineral group of silicates (with at least 5 main sub-groups) we have a vast collection of derivative silicate structures built up out of silicic acid, which is a combination of the silica atom with hydrogen and oxygen (H4-Si-O4).

Topaz belongs to the Neosilicates or Orthosilicates, a silicate group which has an "island" formation of tetrahedras in the middle of metal ions which makes them very compact and hard. It has a high ratio of oxygen to silica (4:1).

Oxygen is a catalyst in transformational, consuming processes. As such it brings stability (the ash after the fire). In a neosilicate it gives the kind of self-assurance or security that protects us and makes us feel resilient, especially useful for in times of personal crisis or long journeys by yourself (so after divorce, leaving home, or in widowhood, for example.) With the help of these minerals we learn to manifest our deepest desires.

Other minerals in this group are: andalusite, chiastolite, cyanite, granate family, rhodolite, zirkon (hyacinth).

Here are some confusing ones compared for you:

Photo compilation/montage of weekday is by ©@sukhasanasister; as are photos of gemstones
Previous Posts on Weekday-gemstones

Tuesday (Red/Diamond)


I love my crystals!

I got a Moldavite from Czech last year and it's holding a very high vibration that is at times throwing me off.. I tend to wear it with something that has grounding properties..

I had some interesting experiences with crystals in the past.. they are crystallised beings that hold, just as you outlined, memories or information that is available to us.

Good read,


Hey, I was just about to go in search of you! And wondered where best to leave a message for you! I was wanting to use your Dunadea Forest birch trees, at last, for my Friday photo montage and let you know they were coming by - as we agreed, (with reference to you and your blog and the relevant post with that heartwarming back-story about the young forest in a reply to me); so I wanted to let you know and hoped you would still be okay with my using (just a part in a mask overlay - nothing copiable).

You know, after all these months I still think your landscape photographs (and toadstools of course!) are some of the best I've come across. I often look at them (I made a couple of bookmarks - for real books-with them). And there is really a lot of great photography on Steemit. I liked #bookpacker too; they also had something "extra" which is hard to define in technical terms (probably not being a technical thing at all!) and some of #soyrosa's travels brought her in the same spirit, although her style is also different again as is the inimitable #red-white-blue. It is interesting to see all these genuine people a bit like gemstones! I thought I'd just let you know that your photos are one of the few things I'll treasure after I leave Steemit in 29 posts from now.

I often recall your eerie experience with the elementals (? you called aliens) in the snow you described so vividly past winter and wonder what you are "working on" at the present. It may be relatively quiet on your blog now but that may be just the sign that you are evolving much!

I've never felt Moldavite! Special gemstone, to be sure. As a tectite silicate it is a very strong filter reflecting some things and absorbing others. Moldavite is known to expand your spiritual field immensely! The third eye is opened wide. It is important to let it's greenness permeate the heart for a love-grounding power or the light becomes too blinding. It lends you a peek into the vast consciousness of mankind. Very wise to be grounded when tuning in to this energy, since it very easily loosens you from mundane cares and materialism (so when you're already quite free from this you might be sucked up by the astral world rather than in control of your experiences.)

Hello :)

First off - absolutely no problem to use the images - I am more than glad for you to do it. I feel grateful for your appreciation of my work - especially making a bookmarks - I am very positively surprised by that.

I've been grounding myself in my role as a father and been looking for ways to reduce the distractions, so I kind of cut a lot of my activities off and am observing what is serving and what is not. So indeed everything has slowed down for me but in a rather positive way. Alongside to that I am going through many notes of mine put down at times of inspiration and figuring out how to use such to serve those in need.

The day I got to meet my guides was real special alright. Rose Quartz helped me tap into the higher dimension in order to communicate, I remember feeling the pressure through the crystal itself as a handshake of some sort from another being. I will never forget that feeling.

You mentioned 29 days before departure.. it must be.. 26 now? What are you counting down to? Are you leaving Steemit for good after that?

Good to hear from you regardless, wishing you a lovely day!


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