in #genealogy6 years ago

There is a saying among Dog lovers: "First He made man, then a woman and lastly a dog to keep them company."


There are today literally millions of dog lovers all over the world and just as many different dog breeds.
They are companions, guard dogs, used as detectives for human, in relation to crime, and drugs, and as guides for the blind.
It is amazing what dogs can be trained to do...rescue, do astonishing acrobatic movements and tricks, herd cattle, run races and many other.
But when or where did the first dog Originate? Estimated about 31,700 years ago, the first dog was large and toothy.
This discovery predated the oldest dog found in Russia dated to 14,000 years ago.
In Belgium remains were found at the Goyet Cave in Belgium, of an older prehistoric dog. This suggests that the Auringnacian people (Upper Paleothic period) domesticated dogs.
Various Fine Jewelry and tools had fine engravings of dogs depicting big dogs.

The dogs must have resembled the Siberian Husky, but larger, comparable to Shepherd dogs." "Germon pre Royal Institute of Natural Resources. They analyzed of the Carnides family, and it was found that the Palaeothic dogs had wider and shorter snouts, and a wider brain case than fossil and recent wolves...and the skulls were smaller than that of Wolves.

DNA reveals that that the bones "carried a substantial amount of diversity'".
It is believed that the domestication of dogs might have begun when hunters brought home captured puppies The tamed pups were domesticated, joined in hunts, and fed on fish and meat.

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Soon dogs became house pets. A 26,000 old footprint made by a child with a dog was found at the Chauvet Cave France. Torch wipes with the points indicate that the child held a torch while walking in the dark with the dog.
It is the conclusion that the first direct ancestor of the dog is extinct..

The long association of the dog with humans make then completely attuned to human behavior. They form a link between themselves and humans, are extremity intelligent and faithful. They can survive on starch rich foods,that would be inadequate for other canid species.
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Over the past 200 years dogs have undergone rapid phenotypic changes, due to artificial selection imposed by humans.
The variety of breeds differ from country to country and often is referred to as pure breeds, unique to an area or place.
A common breeding practice is to mate the dogs with close relatives.

The global dog population is in the region of 900 million dogs.

It is called"the most widespread form of inter species bonding , that a of the interaction between humans and dogs.
Most dog owners engage in activities centered on the needs and interest of their pet dogs.
It has also been proved that having a dogs is beneficial to physical and psychological heath.
Dogs have been used since the 18th Century in therapy. According to studies interaction with dogs can protect humans from allergies, auto immune diseases, exposing the humans to stimulating microorganisms.
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In mythology from Old Babylonia period to the New Babylonian period dogs were the symbol of Ninsana goddess of healing and medicine.
In early Christianity dogs represented faithfulness.

In Jewish law Jews are required to feed dogs before themselves, and to make sure they can feed them before acquiring them.
In the East they are viewed as protectors.

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