Things that annoy me that probably shouldn't

in #getyerlearnon5 years ago (edited)

There are a lot of annoyances in life and everyone is subjected to stuff that they really should just leave alone. I rarely call people out for these things and mostly just awkwardly change the subject or just stay away from that person in the future. However, here are a few things that I encounter fairly regularly that get under my skin that I have to struggle to not get upset about.


People that interject politics into everything

We all know at least one person that takes it upon themselves to lecture others on the political landscape of the world. It isn't enough that we are bombarded with this crap on social media all the time now we have a guy who wants to turn every social situation into a potential argument. I was once talking about how I broke my ankle and some random dude said something along the lines of "well, conservatives get injured more than other political groups" and then went off on a 10 minute tirade about some political horseS**T that had nothing to do with the conversation. I now avoid this person.

People who pronounce words wrong or use words that are not words

I dated a girl in college who would continually use the word "supposibly" and make statements like "I've been been doing that for years." It used to drive me nuts and it was difficult to take her seriously in all other topics. I have a friend who says "In-terrr-eess-ting" when saying "interesting" and i grit my teeth when he does it. I'm not trying to be a grammar nazi in public and I rarely call people out on it... but it grinds my gears.

People who don't speak to their dogs in "baby talk"

Unless you are training your dog to sniff the roadsides in Afghanistan for explosive ordinance you speak to your dog in a silly voice that you would never use for anything else... Period. If you do not do this you are a crazy person.... or German.

anyone who lectures anyone else about their eating habits

This is particularly true of vegetarians and vegans but I am not going to get on anyone's case for their dietary decisions - do what you want I say. I have this friend who is a vegan but never tells anyone about it unless they ask (awesome!) I also know a vigilant group of vegans that will get upset with you if you order meat in their presence and then go off on a diatribe about cruelty to animals etc. Then when I "agree to disagree" and refuse to join their vegetable cult they bombard me later with articles on FB until I eventually have to cut off all contact with them. I was at McDonalds (where our running group meets for the bus) and got a cheeseburger. This is the only time I ever eat at McDonalds and since I knew I was about to burn 1000 calories running in the jungle I knew I needed some gas in the tank. Rather than just let me have my burger some woman in our group said "You're not going to eat that are you?".... and then proceeded to lecture me about the burger's contents for the entire time I was eating it. Just let people live their lives you goons!

anyone whose stories take entirely too long

There is this guy I know named Gary and if you ever have the misfortune of being on the receiving end of a story that he is regaling you with get ready for a long and confusing ride. His stories do not have a beginning, middle, or an end. They are, rather, an excruciatingly long sequence of apparently completely unrelated events that are seasoned with a sprinkling of obvious lies. Which brings me to my last point


I would imagine that we all know someone like this. They have all these fantastic stories to tell you about the amazing things that happened to him/her when you weren't around but yet when you hang out with the person nothing out of the ordinary ever happens. My best friend from high school was like this, and the only people that would ever call him out on it was me and his Dad. Subsequently, i think we are the only people that the dude was ever honest with. He also had a number of "tells" that would give away the fact that he was lying - the main one being that he would always snap his fingers when "remembering" the details of an event that he completely fabricated. I remember when he first moved to our town in Virginia - he was one of the most popular people in the school for about a year... at that point nearly everyone had abandoned him because of his problem and he had become a bit of an outcast. I never walked away on him and he is still one of my best friends in the world. However, i continue to call him out and I think I might be one of the only people on the planet that he is actually honest with.

He still does this to this day more than 30 years later - this is a life-long problem for him.
I'm quite certain there are many more but this post is already longer than I would imagine most people will read so Imma cut it off here :)

I especially identify with your annoyance of overly political people and people who misuse words/can't pronounce them correctly. Had a coworker for a year who constantly said "Pacific" instead of Specific and fucked up a bunch of other words all the time. The annoyance I had at that job still makes me clench my asshole to this day.

Also, my buddies mother is so overly political she made talking about Avengers Infinity at Thanksgiving into politics and left the dinner table in tears over my friends opinions. Truly, some disgustingly dry shit that I want no part of.

Poor Gary, he probably can't help it. That is probably just the way his brain is wired. I should know, that is how my mind works too. I remember in college we had to read Slaughterhouse V and everyone else in the class was so confused because it jumps all over. I was just like, it makes perfect sense to me... My best friend sounds like your other friend. I told him once "you know I am going to be your friend no matter what, you don't have to lie to me". The funny thing with him is that he really does crazy stuff and I have been with him when some of it has happened, so I just never really know... That's funny about the McDonald's. My wife doesn't eat beef, pork, fish, or dark meat poultry. She just doesn't like it, no moral reason. She has no problem eating a McDonald's two cheeseburger meal when we happen to stop though :) As for your first pet peeve, you better stay away from the comments section of any news story on any topic on the Internet. Don't believe me? Ask my dog, she will tell you, because she's a pretty girl. My cute little puppy girl. :) Nice post!

awesome response. that made me smile.

Glad I could bring some sunshine to your day 😄

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I could never understand the lying part. I don't know how people just lie about everything and anything by just making things up. I don't really have much respect for the liers.

I also agree with whatever people want to eat or don't eat, that is their choice and their life.

For people like Gary, I think this is a very easy problem to fix. I tend to have long stories/lectures myself. This isn't something that I intend to do. In fact I hate it.

The reason why this happens is that usually I am the one driving the conversation and if the person I am talking to isn't contributing anything, then it no longer becomes a conversation, it becomes more of a monologue/lecture/long story. This could be because

  1. They don't like me
  2. They are afriad of saying something that would make me walk away

So many times, I would talk endlessly and then the other person is slightly nodding his/her head and responding with one word answers that are difficult to interpret.

In the end, I sometimes feel like I am annoying people when all I was looking for was something a little better than shitty small talk.

If you feel that someone is talking too much, cut him/her off and either add your own anecdote, change the topic or say you have something to do. By not saying something, you are wasting their time and yours.

I cut Gary off regularly and sometimes in a snarky way. It's funny because whenever i am in the audience, i just make wide eyes at him now and he wraps it up quickly-like! I have trained him

I could laugh a lot with this post, I'm going to do resteem with the hope that some of my followers can laugh a while. I think we all know people like you describe, and your way of explaining it was fun. Cheers!

In life everybody has his own right to live his life as it pleases him and people to should learn to respect others opinion and things they like about themselves and their habit. I get annoyed at times when people try to talk me into doing things I don't want . And I always stay clear from people that argue alot

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