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RE: My SIBO Story (part 1) - What is SIBO & How it has Effected Me

in #health5 years ago

I have been diagnosed with SIBO...after being misdiagnosed with Celiac Disease and then IBS for over eight years total. I still get severe reactions to wheat and gluten...but can't figure if that's an allergy or related to the SIBO or something else. Since winter...I have been on my own trying to figure out how to cure this stomach monster. The last thing the SIBO doctor told that if no negative reaction or symptoms occur keep doing them. And I love kombucha anyway. Not the most rational way to go about it...because sometimes you just don't know about the deeper effects. The die back is brutal...maybe you can listen to audiobooks?

Posted using Partiko Android


@creativesoul: You write that you get severe reactions to wheat and gluten...An important thing to keep in mind here is that ALL kinds of wheat (yes, even the ancient spelt) are GMO. There's almost no getting around it. Gluten allergies are something quite new, and I blame it on that fact. Personally, I've had a lot of issues with wheat products (it's very hard to get away from) and eliminated it from our diet completely about a year ago. I've replaced it with non-wheat products and our lives have been much better for it.

If it is working, yeah definitely keep on doing it :-) At the end of the day, it could be that you are one of the people where putting lots of probiotics into the system is allowing them to out compete the bad bacteria. But I'm just guessing. I also love Kombucha but it is a no no for me at the moment.

The die back is brutal...maybe you can listen to audiobooks?

Ha ha, yes I'm one step ahead on that one as I have 4 Sci-Fi audiobooks lined up and until it gets really bad plenty of netflix series and a new computer game.... so hopefully boredom won't be quite as bad ;-)

It would be awesome to be one of those people that can get better with competing bacteria. Time will tell!

Glad to see you have plenty of things to keep you distracted and you won't be bored! ❤ 🤗 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

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