My professional life in one post - Who is Dr. Maizo?

in #health6 years ago (edited)


Thanks to Steemit I have been able to help many people, I have managed with my team and my colleagues to grow, help people in need, children, adults and the elderly. We have managed to overcome some barriers between the centralization of capital and the decentralization of acts of kindness through a vote of confidence from each of those who read these experiences.

Behind these experiences and a common user like all of you is a dreamer (yes! like everyone else), but... Who's Dr. Maizo?

Hello to all my dear Steemians, probably during most of the publications I have published in Steemit, apart from stories and verses (of which I confess to be my great passion) I have spoken about some very specific situations of my life and not much of my professional career as an Orthopaedic Surgeon and Traumatologist. This post is an adaptation and improvement in english [ENG] from: Source.


A bone carpenter

As physicians, from the moment we graduate we experience many situations that probably very few retired health care professionals can even imagine going through their minds. For example, I remember a long time ago the first time after I performed CPR with my team that a 65-year-old patient died right in front of me from a heart attack. I remember being called into the hospital at 3 a.m. to run away to attend a delivery. Sadly, I remember how after a 3 year old boy passed away, we had to walk through the door and inform his parents of a tragic news item. Words don't come together and the mind is dumbed down.

I decided to be part of the carpenters of medicine (that's what they call traumatologists and orthopedists) from the moment I saw a high-speed bus accident arrive at the door of my hospital.


I remember so many ambulances arrived and people crowded together, spreading fear, anguish and despair, that night we did not close one eyelid after more than 10 hours of surgery to continue with another shift in the morning. There was never an entrance to an operating room, but that day, in view of the contingency, medical personnel were needed to assist me and I immediately fell in love.



There was a complete sense of satisfaction in feeling that the overwhelming cold of the operating room was clothed in the heat of passionate surgery.


That moment when it inspires you to enter the very entrails of the human being to restore it with the work of your fingers engaged in your mind.


Even if you have a university degree, the academy and studies never end. Here with my colleagues and favorite couple @romulexx and @gaescla.

Made in Venezuela

Since then, I studied postgraduate studies in the world of plaster and crutches, collars and skeletal traction, emergencies and surgeries.... I slept little studying the many techniques used to operate the same site. I wouldn't know how many fractures I saw, or how many I did in my early adventures, but teachers and scalpel masters don't give you a patient unless you really show interest and knowledge.

My curiosity always went so far beyond the ordinary that sometimes I was asked questions that I couldn't get answers. "The vice of learning is sometimes like a drug you can't put out." So then I began to dig beyond books and design new theories and concepts.



First appearances at Venezuelan congresses and credentials. These were my first presentations in auditoriums full of orthopedists and other specialists. Great members of the jury supported my ideas.

An interesting idea!

From there was born one of my resounding successes called "Carpalgia", which I took to Europe and described in a previous post: Source.

However, and I weighed up how complicated it was to make that trip, as a doctor in my country does not have the capacity to pay for those expenses. Together with the help of my family and friends I managed to raise the funds to make my theory known in Spain (A Coruña). And after some incredible nerves choked my breath, I couldn't believe what happened. They liked it!

Soon not only was I gaining popularity among my colleagues in Venezuela, but I was also seen in other latitudes and continents. I was contacted by major magazines in the Orthopaedic Surgery area and they launched my article in 2017. Academic successes, even if they are not paid in money, are paid in recognition, and my name took a different direction.

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My first international exhibition, recognition and award for the research work carried out and presented in Spain (above). Publication in the Spanish Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Traumatology RECOT of this work after its excellent approval by the scientific community (below).

I am currently a consultant, reviewer and even editor of major journals in the area of Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology. It was not only the daily work of the consultations, of operating, of the family and of life's chores. It was working for passion and without remuneration to make myself known by sharing ideas with Japanese, Russians, Americans, Argentines, Spaniards, Germans, Chileans, in short...

One day, to my great surprise, I received an invitation to my post office. I could not believe that after doing so much and in such a short time (I am only 30 years old), I had been invited to the World Congress of Orthopedics, the most prestigious event in my area on the planet. But that wasn't all, I had been selected as an exhibitor to present my ideas and stand in front of more than 2,500 people, the best in the area... Me?....and I looked around my humble surroundings in my house, without luxury or the best conditions. It was as if my body did not believe what I had created with my mind.


My first publication in the American journal Annals of Musculoskeletal Medicine.


Invitation as an exhibitor at the World Stem Cell Congress in Singapore, which I was unfortunately unable to attend.
Honorable Award for Editor Member of the Continuous Research Online Library. A medical library that is currently booming.
A successful surgery that caught the attention of my colleagues.
Only Venezuelan Editorial Board member in an international journal of Orthopedic Surgery. "Great Honor."

Only the best 300 traumatologists and orthopaedic scientists of the year had been selected, only the best research papers had been selected, and I could only fit in my head that seemed impossible to digest.

And as they say in my country, "not all that glitters is gold". It is always hard to fall into a crude and incomprehensible reality, where those of us who have the opportunities are overshadowed by those who have a political affinity and live on the commercialisation of the votes'. As many in my country know, and as most foreigners recognize, there is a deep economic depression that prevented me from making the trip.


This was the big mail where I went and was inundated with excitement as I was invited as an exponent for the 4th World Congress of Orthopedics in China (the highest category in my specialty). I couldn't go, but my joy was infinite....

Although the World Congress Orthopaedic Congress Committee gladly decided to exempt me from hotel registration and accommodation fees, to my misfortune I was unable to cover my travel expenses with the help (which I never had) of the government of my country. One round trip ticket at that time was worth up to $15,000. A processing fee for any specialist in my area in another country, but not for me.

And although I never had that experience, I have continued to share my ideas and concepts with surgeons around the world. "Capabilities will continue to improve despite adversity."


No matter the circumstances, we will continue to do science. Photo with my friends and colleagues @romulexx and @doctortrillo at an International Red Cross conference.

Currently my last idea has been to create an innovative device in surgeries of which I cannot give you many details, I am developing it to produce it at industrial level, then patent it and be approved in other countries. It is a notorious investment, not only in time but also in money, but without a doubt, and thanks to Steemit's help, I have had the opportunity that I never had... "grow up"...

This post is dedicated with great, but great heart to those people who, although they are in the most remote places, the most adverse situations and the most difficult moments always fight to achieve their goals. And lastly, I would also like to dedicate it to those of us who live not only on Steemit to give us the material things we did not have before, but also the opportunities we would never have aspired to.


We are doing everything possible to help many people in need of surgery, through our company Sermedic we eliminate the high costs by accepting cryptocurrencies for patients who need our help at the best price in the world and without intermediaries. You can read more about our project in:

Read more in: Source

If you liked this post and you are interested in clinical cases do not hesitate to follow me. I will be publishing many more cases soon.

Text📑 and Photos 📷 by: @drmaizo

Estamos haciendo lo posible por ayudar a mucha gente necesitada por cirugías, a través de nuestra empresa Sermedic eliminamos los altos costos aceptando criptomonedas para pacientes que necesiten nuestra ayuda al mejor precio del mundo y sin intermediarios. Puedes leer más acerca de nuestro proyecto en:

Lee más en: Fuente.

Si te gustó este post y te interesan los casos clínicos no dudes de seguirme. Estaré publicando pronto muchos más casos.

Relato📑 y Fotos 📷 por: @drmaizo

firma steemit @drmaizo.png

Firma diseñada por @themonkeyzuelans, contáctalos vía Discord "themonkeyzuelans#9087"

Talent Club.png


Good for you, my friend! I always wonder how surgeons do it, being able to operate under high-stress, deal with death, waking up at ungodly hours...etc. I faint at the sight of my own blood..keep up the good work!

Thank you @victoriacalloway, I was very happy to hear your comment when I read it. It's hard work but someone has to do it hehehe. A hug for you and your family. I'm at your service.

wooooow.. que grande eres!!! un saludo desde México.

Gracias @areare, un abrazo para ti desde Venezuela. 😊😉

Gret job DrMaizo!
Keep pushin the limits of medicine and orthapedics!
It's all good stuff.

Thank you @preppervetuk. I really love my job and I do it with great passion.😊

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Thank you a lot @princessmewmew 😁

Felicitaciones, Dios le Bendiga Doctor, éxito.

Gracias @donrito7597, un abrazo.

:) @drmaizo, maravillosa presentación, calidad humana y profesional, además amante de los gatos. Que vengan muchos éxitos :)
Un abrazo :)

Jejejeje muchas gracias @marpa, un fuerte abrazo y saludos, se que tu tambien eres una gran persona :D

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