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RE: Footprints into the future

in #health6 years ago

I feel judged.. my wife and I gave our son a few bites of ice cream when we were at a festival this weekend.. now we just caused him to have diabetes and heart disease!! (just kidding)

I think that anything in moderation is OK. That's what life is all about. Moderation. Too many people don't understand, or were never taught / don't have the self control to act in moderation.

Also, when these studies "link" a certain item, like Coffee, to something else, like let's say Cancer... the studies are more often than not flawed. Scientists are injecting larger quantities than humanly consumable into lab rats, every day, for an extended period of time, and they are then stating that there is a direct link between Coffee and Cancer (look it up, it's a real thing -- ask California about their Coffee Packaging Labels... ).

Anyway.. I think what it comes down to at the end of the day is Common Sense. Unfortunately, Common Sense is the biggest oxymoron in the English language because it has become extremely rare and is not a "sense" by definition.

So now we are finding groups of random scientists performing various "useless" studies because there was one person on the internet somewhere who said that when they looked at the sun for half a second, then spun around with one arm pointed up to the sky and the other arm extended away from their body, after they took a sip of unsweetened iced tea, while standing in the middle of a park, and jumping on one foot ... experienced an out-of-the-body experience ... and someone else with lots of money and a desire to have the same experience, decided to fund a panel of scientists to test if this person's theory had merit ...

Or we could always go with the big government theory and say that the government is trying to control the lives of their subjects by reducing joy of their subjects one food item at a time...

Since I've gone on so many tangents, let me circle back. Common Sense and Moderation are the key to a happy and "healthy" life (barring genetic disorders that you have no control over). [Insert Food Item Here] by itself is not bad for you. Consuming considerable amounts of it on a daily basis because it's inexpensive and/or tastes great is not intelligent.


I feel judged.. my wife and I gave our son a few bites of ice cream when we were at a festival this weekend.. now we just caused him to have diabetes and heart disease!! (just kidding)

I think it is all over. What is the equivalent of 'powering down' for a child?

When it comes to lots of things, I think common sense and moderation should prevail but as you said, not so common or easy.

No one really knows where it all leads but from a health perspective, I predict nowhere good. Most foods are pushed like iphones and computer games, for profit, not health.

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