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RE: Scientific Studies into The Cancer Causing Effects of Eating Meat.

in #health6 years ago

Serious question for you mate. First, great article and the reason I always listen to what you have to say, even if I don't always necessarily agree with you is because you put forward balanced, level-headed arguments without histronics and blame.
So, my question is this.
Plants grow in the ground, the ground is composed of space dust, decayed matter and no doubt animal waste. How is it even possible to have a plant based diet that contains no trace of animal DNA, or is it simply a case of best case scenario ? Do you believe it is possible to remove animal DNA completely from the food chain ?
Also, as a side issue, are 'organically' grown plants really tangibly healthier than any other plants?
Genuine questions without agenda :-)


Thankyou, yes - balance and non judgemental assessment is always needed. :)

I had not really thought about the issue of eating animal DNA since, as far as I am aware, it has little or no effect on living beings if we eat it. I do recall hearing of some talking about the idea that eating DNA can have an effect on the eater - but I don't know for sure either way.

The plants can use nutrients that originate from dead animals, but the micro life in the soil will have transformed and broken it down into its sub components first. The plants don't tend to have drinking straws that suck up blood from roadkill, for example. :)

All Protein is made by plants:

Organically grown plants (where 'organic' means ACTUALLY free from pollutants and synthetic crap, rather than the 75% free from pollutants threshold that is part of the current organic standards) - will include a higher percentage of minerals (on average) and so will help the body grow stronger. Additionally, the absence of toxins in them means that the body doesn't have to work to clear out the crap. Win win!

Thanks for that great answer. Sorry, last question. Vegans don't eat eggs or drink milk. If these are produced ethically...if thats possible in your opinion....why not ?

Veganism isn't really a diet, it is an intention to not exploit living beings.

If a bird approaches you and drops an egg for you or a cow sprays some milk into a bowl for you of it's own volition - then it can be said there is no overpowering involved. I think this kind of access to milk and eggs represents <0.000001% of the total access humans have been having ;)

I see that there are a few simultaneous issues here - one is that of human health and one is that of respect for animals and life in general. From the perspective of human health, I have come to understand that I am best suited to not eating eggs and milk anyway. From the position of respect for living beings, I don't really see any way of showing that animals are in favour of us interfering with their reproductive systems. To turn things around, would we be fine with cows and pigs taking the milk from pregnant humans? Or stealing the output of a woman's monthly ovulation cycle (which is what eggs are)?

A third issue, then, is that of pure sanity.. Who was the first person to decide that sucking a cow's teat was a good idea? Would you think they were sane if it wasn't called 'normal' and you had never seen it before? - Ingrained programming is really holding us away from balance currently.

Thanks again, lots to think about while I'm trying to sleep! I understand veganism is a way of living, but I need to give the milk and egg issue further thought though I understand now your reasoning.
For me, its about the ethics of eating animal products I fight with myself about, health issues are a side issue.
Truly appreciate the time and effort you've devoted to me this evening and I wish you a fantastic weekend mate....the questions will keep coming I'm afraid ;-)

Nathen check out Dr Morse on you tube look for his protocol vid to begin with. You'll understand loads if you make to the end.

You are welcome. I wish you an exciting now moment too! ;)

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