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RE: Healing, Balancing & Evolving #4: The Lancet States Overwhelming Scientific Evidence Proves that Microwave Tech, SmartPhone, Wifi Can Cause Cancer & DNA Damage in Humans - Plus ADHD Symptoms in Unborn Babies.

in #health5 years ago

You mention having sources from 1960's I think I heard something about this it was basically a weapon that with enough force would be used to knock people out, unconscious or something. Wow sounds like that reporter hit on a touchy subject. I get the same shi!t people think I am either paranoid or one of the crazy people, even when I suggest Facebook is storing their data which can be excessed, let alone even going into the topic of waves for social control, also I didn't know about the cell phone towers interesting indeed.


There are a lot of different sources and directions of research that have been taken in relation to this kind of topic. One of the documents I have is a US military study into the effects of certain frequencies with regards health. They were analysing at that time, the safety of some of the early, large radar and communications devices on remote islands and found that the humans and animals surrounding them were made ill. It has since come out that there are numerous frequencies that allegedly can be used to trigger most different kinds of illnesses - from heart attacks and strokes to schizophrenia and other mental illnesses. One of the better known speakers on this is a British Dr. called Barrie Trower, he claims to have been an MI5 Microwave weapons specialist during the cold war and has a wealth of information on the topic.

The public have been conditioned deliberately to believe that anyone speaking about such subjects 'must' be mentally ill or unstable - which is part of why I look for credible and professional witnesses, along with leaked documents and so on. There are enough of these to rebut any claims of mental instability, however, the average person is not curious enough or open minded enough to bother actually looking at most of it. :/

It's pretty much psychological warfare

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