Changes in body shape during pregnancy make many expectant mothers eager to experiment with different ways and products to maintain confidence

in #health6 years ago

Changes in body shape during pregnancy make many expectant mothers eager to experiment with different ways and products to maintain confidence. Unfortunately, not all products that are considered risk free make it immediately safe for pregnant women.

The phase of pregnancy is a happy time that is anticipated. But in this phase many things are often complained women, such as changes in body shape, acne, stretch marks, and sagging skin that tends to make them feel not beautiful anymore. As a result, a variety of care products are sold freely and care in the salon became the target of pregnant women in order to still be able to look attractive.

But be careful because it turns out these products and treatments are not necessarily safe to be applied to pregnant women. Here are some beauty products that need to be watched by pregnant women.

Black spots removing cream

Pregnancy hormones and exposure to sunlight can cause melasma or cloasma, the black pigment spots that appear on the facial skin. This darkening skin can also appear between the thighs and around the nipples. In addition, can appear a brown line formed on the middle of the stomach (linea nigra). To reduce the occurrence of these spots, protect yourself from exposure to excessive sunlight by wearing umbrellas and sunglasses. The use of sunscreen can also be an option. However, you should avoid using products containing hydroquinone. You can use products that contain vitamin C or even azelaic acid that helps suppress the pigment naturally.

Anti-acne cream

Anti-acne products that were safe to use, not necessarily safe when applied in the phase of pregnancy. According to a dermatology professor, you should avoid using products containing ingredients, such as benzoyl peroxide, salicylic acid, and retinoids. To overcome acne, try using sulfur-based topical products, glycolic acid, alpha hydroxy acid, or microdermabrasion treatments performed at home. Can also use products containing azelaic acid or erythromycin. Also, avoid taking antibiotics to deal with acne during the pregnancy phase. Another thing that can be done to reduce the occurrence of acne is to replace the foundation for oily skin or use loose powder containing minerals.

Stretch marks removal cream

Many doctors believe that stretch marks on your stomach are generally genetic so that various products applied to prevent it will not have much impact. A dermatologist reveals that methods such as laser and microdermabrasion can be applied postpartum to remove stretch marks. If you want to handle stretch marks in the pregnancy phase, it is advisable to apply a cream containing green tea or glycolic acid.

Snooze Botox and fillers

Is it safe to inject Botox or filler to overcome wrinkles in the pregnancy phase? No studies have confirmed the safety of this practice in pregnant women. Therefore, it is better to wait until the baby is born before going through it.

Beware of antiaging products

Although the content of retinoids in cosmetics is not very high, but some doctors recommend that women not use it during the pregnancy phase. Retinoids are known to be at risk of causing congenital abnormalities in infants. If consumed, isotretinoin, which is contained in oral retinoids, may harm the fetus also cause miscarriage. This material is sometimes used in some anti-aging products.

Carefully beautify your nails

If you want to beautify your nails, at least make sure the room you use is well ventilated so you do not smell too much of the chemicals of the nail polish product. Phtalates that may be contained in nail polish may be harmful to pregnant women. Be careful also using gel nail polish and acrylic.

Can hair coloring?

In the pregnancy phase, you should avoid hair care products containing ammonia. Make sure also that the salon you visit has good ventilation to ensure air exchange.

Postpone whiten teeth

We recommend delaying tooth whitening until the pregnancy phase is completed because the side effects on the baby is not known for certain.

Be careful when facial

Hormonal changes cause the skin to become more sensitive in the pregnancy phase. Skin care products that had been appropriate in normal times may not be appropriate in the pregnancy phase. Make sure that the products used when facials do not contain retinoids.

Other things that should be avoided in the pregnancy phase because it can harm the fetus is a sauna, darkening skin (tanning beds), hot water pool, and steam room. In addition, when you want to use beauty products, make sure to read the label on the packaging, whether there is a ban on use for pregnant women.

On the other hand, hormonal changes in the pregnancy phase actually bring positive changes that are often not realized. At this time, the nails will grow faster and smoother, the hair becomes more fertile and thick, and the breast is enlarged in preparation for breastfeeding.

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