5 Secrets To Losing Belly Fat… (Is it Really A Secret Anymore?)

in #health5 years ago


Before starting my post, I want to thank you for your congratulations and comments. I can not answer you in my posts, unfortunately. Some functions stopped working (response to comments, voting for posts), and I don’t know how to fix it. But I read your reviews Always and grateful for them!

Now let's move on to today's topic.

There is so much information out there as to how to lose body fat, but yet there still seems to be some confusion. There are much time tested ways to lose belly fat, but in an effort to cut through much of the chatter, I’ve decided to just pick some of my favorite ways to go about losing belly fat.

Before we get started, you must understand something about “Fat”.

Our bodies store fat in two primary ways:

Subcutaneous - Found under the skin in our thighs, hip, buttocks, and abdomen.
Visceral - This is fat stored in deeper regions around vital organs (heart, lungs, liver, etc.) Because this is the fat we can’t see, it possesses a greater risk to your health.

My Top 5:

A Goal Without A Plan Is Just A Wish (1)

#1 Set A Goal For Yourself

Set a timeframe on when you want to reach your goal of “how many inches you want to lose around the waist or hip”. Stop saying to yourself; “I want to lose belly fat” or “I wish I had a flatter stomach”. Write your goal down and make it a plane. Put it on a sticky post and place it on your wall or restroom mirror where you can see it every day to constantly remind you of the goal and objective.

Did you know?

“Visceral fat acts like a living organ that secretes inflammatory compounds that can lead to cancer.”

#2 Don’t Eat Junk, Eat Healthy Food

Try to at least eat 5-6 small portion sized meals a day consisting of high protein, low carb and low-fat. This will promote efficiency in burning calories. For example: The monounsaturated fats in Avocados stop blood sugar spikes in the body, thereby preventing fat accumulation. A 1/4 Cup of Guacamole with 1 Sliced Medium Red Bell Pepper(140 Calories) makes for a healthy flat ab snack.


Did You Know?

Eating 3-4 large meals a day or even skipping a meal will actually slow down your metabolism. Your body will go into “Fight” response because of the perceived threat of starvation or famine and store more fat. Also, try and add at least 10 grams of soluble fiber to your diet each day.

#3 Drink Plenty Of Water

As Humans, we can live weeks without food, yet we can only live a couple of days without water. (It must be important??) In The Journal of Biological Chemistry 158, H.H. Mitchell says that “the brain and heart are composed of 73% water, and that the lungs are about 83% water”. Drinking water helps in suppressing your appetite. When you drink a lot of water, your stomach will fill up and you will feel much less hungry. Also drinking more water will help your liver perform better at burning fat. Water is used in every physiological process in the body. Try and drink at least a gallon of water a day.


#4 Do Intense Cardio Workouts

Do at least 30 minutes of intense cardio 4-5 times a week. Try to work out at a pace that causes sweating, panting or huffing. If you are going to choose cardio machines, use machines that require more body movements. This has been proven to reduce the buildup of visceral fat over the years.

#5 Do Intense Resistance Training

Do at least 3-4 times a week of resistance training in which you progressively overload your muscles and build lean muscle tissue. Muscle is an active tissue and you will even continue to burn calories at rest. Try to do your resistance training and cardio on separate days so as to go all out on one and not compromise the other due to fatigue. A great way to get the benefits of cardio and strength training in a workout is to try doing “High-Intensity Interval Training” (HIIT) workouts throughout the week.

You now have a few tips in your arsenal to set you on your way to fighting off that stubborn belly fat. Just to recap, they were, 1) Set A Goal For Yourself, 2) Don’t Eat Junk, Eat Healthy Food, 3) Drink plenty Of Water, 4) Do Intense Cardio Workouts, 5) Do Intense Resistance Training.

Like I said before, there are plenty more things one could do to lose belly fat, but these were some of my most successful tips. What have you found to be very beneficial in your journey to losing belly fat?



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