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RE: The Birth of a Miracle: a birth story interview and an anthropological reflection

in #health5 years ago

This women's experience is so so different to mine, I had full faith in my bodies ability to birth my babies and she had faith in the medical team. At the end of the day it should always be the mothers choice how and where she gives birth. But I worry so much about the wisdom that is not being shared. I worry how so many miss out on this natural empowering sacred act, because they believe the medical team knows best.
It really sadden me to hear that once her baby was born it had to spend the night away from her, s/he must have been so distressed. Imagine being in the womb for 9 months, content and safe and then being born in a straight environment and taken from the only person you know, this is so dramatic for the baby and their is so much research that shows how babies grow up with separation anxiety because of this. The baby has listened to it's mama's heartbeat all those months and that is what it needs ti hear upon entering earthside. I am sure she did not know this, but intuitively we do, we just need to know how to listen to ourselves.
There is so much knowledge and wisdom not being shared xxxxxx


I agree. The baby could have been kept with her.

I too agree that the mother should stay with the child unless medical intervention is necessary, but everyone has their own perspective on life. I just know that there is a lot of research that shows that the bonding that occurs during the moments after birth are pertinent, children can otherwise develop certain personality disorders.

I personally am not too worried because the stats show that mothers are moving from highly medicalized hospital births back to more "natural" births. Birthing centers and midwives for home births are on the rise again. Information being shared is being made much more available these days.

This was a strange part for me to write because, well - Melody is my mother and this was an interview of my own birth. Definitely makes me think...

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