The History of Sabana Grande Caracas Venezuela

in #history5 years ago


Hello very good morning today continued with my series of theaters, I will also continue the story of Sabana Grande me. It seems very extraordinary story to teach and show the public, I only received absurd criticism of ghosts as pay attention to that not at all. The devils are loose that tie or can go to give him a visit to hell, do not be crazy with your topic because I am still in my thanks to God. Without giving me bad life for nothing or for anyone these albums and their stories, very old and old worthy of being in a museum.


From 1960, this avenue was taking its status as a center of commercial development in the capital, filled with shops, restaurants and outdoor cafes, which began to assist the intellectuals and personalities of the moment. Since 1968, these intellectuals began to develop the cultural movement called the Republic of the East that took the space. [8] [9] [10]


Wow Florentino and the Devil I remember when I was at the Lara Symphony Orchestra at the Juares Theater. It was my only work that I did in my life was coincidentally this. It was a musical work where I played the violin was a wonderful experience, although it was the only one I did while studying music and if I do not remember directing. Gustavo Dudamel who would say if I had continued outside super, famous already I believe that of that promotion of 95 or 96 he is the only one that continued. With the steps of music I think that others were only left to be teachers of music in the same institution.


With the arrival of the Caracas Metro to the place, whose construction began in 1975, a new contingent of Caraqueños began to arrive to enjoy the place and make it a place of mass recreation. construction of the second stage of this boulevard that began to extend, from west to east, from the original Calle Real until reaching the vicinity of Chacao.


Wednesday, 24 years have passed since that already wow, it's a long time really that was the best time of my life. Barquisimeto the best musical concerts and free, since he always had producer friends or what he gathered for. Go from when good artists like Ub40, Los Pericos, King Chango, Mana, Public Disorder, The fabulous Cadillac, Aterciopelados, Circo Urbano, among others do not come. In adolescence it was the best of all but then everything changed, when we moved we would not have liked that radical change.


Unfortunately, the governments of the time neglected the maintenance and decoration of the boulevard, until leaving it in the hands of the anarchic informal economy that was taking the place to the detriment of the pedestrian traffic and that contributed to its decline as an urban commercial point.


Already planning the plan to follow the weekend we hope, that it will pass as planned and that of course it is open. That is in frame to my work plan that I already have months planning, that you can also see the cheese on toast tomorrow, he told them if it goes or not. Since there is another place I forgot that the 30 does not make it concrete, because I had no documents and I was denied the entrance hahaha. Thanks to the chaburros we will see when they leave, they are foolish and good for nothing in the end they have never built, nothing but destroying my beautiful country and its things as well as the economy.


This fact made it possible for the private construction companies to start the migration of the people from Caracas to the shopping centers and malls that became popular in the late 1990s, which somehow, with the consent of the public authorities, "hijacked" the use of the public space in the city of Caracas in the first decade of the 21st century.


Ya para finalizar con esta parte de Sabana grande, en lo personal aprendí mucho sobre su historia y desenvolvimiento o evolución. Me hubiera encantado vivir en su época ver como cambio de lo viejo a lo moderno aunque realmente, ya no es nada moderno creo que volvió a los años 80ta o 90ta la anarquía total y rotunda . Se que a muchos turistas les gustaría como a otros no , es como todo en la vida debemos de acostumbrarnos a muchas cosas y actualizar muchas cosas. Más no seguir con lo mismo de siempre ya que si no no avanzaremos en nuestra evolución ya con esto me despido gracias por leerme.


In 2007, based on the historical and historical value of the Bulevar de Sabana Grande, the Venezuelan government commissioned the full recovery of the trip to the country's main industry, the Government of the Capital District and the Mayor's Office of the Libertador Municipality (or City Hall of Caracas).



All the photos were taken, by my phone and edited by Photoshop Express.

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