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RE: Cole Plans One More Big Score

in #history6 years ago (edited)

This area was one of the focal points of the Dakota War. Afterward, a bunch of Dakota surrendered. Some had been told that they would be spared if they did so, but that was not the case. President Lincoln, himself, signed the order to have them hanged. Mankato, MN remains the site of the largest mass execution in US history.


oh my gosh, I've never heard of that tragedy, that is very dark indeed!

There's an article posted on the Star Tribune Website from the Mankato paper in 1862 about it, if you're interested.

oh thank you so much, yes I'm very interested, this kind of thing is hard to comprehend.

Yep. They sang their death songs. And I think they recorded it from what I remember.

thank you ganjafarmer! this stuff grieves me but it's important that people know. Actually I could do a post about it but that would be a very depressing post.

Honestly we tell it and highlight the bravery.

And as a lesson of the injustices done to us in the past.

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