Replace the Queens Birthday Holiday with an Indigenous Public Holiday

in #history6 years ago


Today marked the Public Holiday recognising the Queen's Birthday, the Queen of England that is. Now I know that we all love additional days off and today, in most states, we had a day off to recognise the Queens Birthday (which is actually earlier in the year sometime....go figure!)

But it also raised the question of whether we should continue to recognise the birthday of a foreign head of state, even though she is technically still our head of state.

The NSW Labor Government wants to replace the Queen's Birthday public holiday with one that acknowledges Indigenous Australians.

The change will seek to make the day more relevant to Australians by acknowledging 60,000 years of indigenous history.

"We are fortunate here that we are home to the oldest continuing civilisation in the world and that is something we should want to celebrate," NSW Opposition Leader Luke Foley told media.

"Of course, the second Monday in June is not the birthday of the Queen ... her birthday is actually in April, so I don't think she will be too disappointed if the state of New South Wales in Australia no longer celebrates her birthday a couple of months after it is held each year," he said.

So the question has been raised...... Should we recognise the birthday of our Head of State (on a day that isn't actually her birthday) or use the day to recognise the original Australian settlers and their diverse heritage?

Thanks for reading!

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Totally agree. I didn't think about the queen all day.

Do you have her on your currency too? I don't see much reason to remain in Commonwealth , I'm in Canada we have same debates.

Interesting post..:-) Following you to stay tuned for more..

Not only do I think Australia should ditch the royal family, I think the UK should too. No one needs some elitist figureheads looking down on their country. The cost the UK a lot of money too

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