(Video) E#8 Permaculture Principles - The Discomfort-Zone podcast

in Threespeak4 years ago

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Hi all, here is the Video version of the Eighth episode of my podcast.

OK, so of course there is all the drama going on with the blockchain, and though I am doing my best to do my part, vote for the right witnesses, and make sure everything stays decentralized, I feel I am in no position to start giving out advice to others on the subject.
Having said that, I do know a thing or two about the ecovillage model.....
And so....

In his week's episode I examine how we can use (3 of the 12) Permaculture principles, to better plan and establish a garden, a homestead, or even a blockchain.. :)

If you haven't heard of the ecoVillage model, check out the website for more info: https://ecovillages.io

If you would rather listen to the audio version, check out my profile for the audio post.

The show is live every Thursday, 22:00 UTC. If you would like to listen live and interact through the chat, you can join the MSP-waves discord cahnnel (http://minnowpond.org/).
Or if you prefer, you can listen to the live show on vimmTV (https://www.vimm.tv/@msp-waves), or on the MSP waves broadcast network (http://mspwaves.com/home/listen/)

Hope you enjoy!

▶️ 3Speak


Sorry I missed the show, but I've spent so much time in Discord this week that I've had enough of it!

I'll give this listen at some point and catch you next week!


Nice to see you ON it!

Please feel free to crosspost this to the ecotrain community where others can find & support you!

Keep up the great posts, blogging, photographs, vlogging & inspiration.

With Love From ecoTrain

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