
You are most welcome!

And of course I'm not the devil. I'm the witch ;-)))

Hehe, "keep calm and have magical dreams" 😉

And of course I'm not the devil. I'm the witch ;-)))
И, конечно, я не дьявол. Я ведьма ;-))) That's how the AI was translated. I'll have to switch to Russian and I'm not sure the back translation will be adequate. But it's worth a try.

ВедьМа ... современное трактование этого понятия носит негативный оттенок или полностью негативно (зависит от контекста).
Это заслуга христианства, которое боролось с язычеством (точнее, с ведичеством)
Так вот ВедьМа - Это Ведающая Мать. Это мудрая женщина, посвящённая в сакральные знания.
Возможно в английском или немецком языках есть что-то похожее. Я не ведаю :)

The translation is fine ;-)) And I'm certainly not a wicked witch. Well, not always. And not all bad ;-)) Maybe I'm just bewitching ;-))))

In Russian, the word witch has a literal translation that is not used now. A knowing/knowing/wise mother.

In English and German, the situation is similar: the wise women or the wickers - it was their knowledge and abilities that the witch hunts were after...

... so the most beautiful and intelligent women in Europe were destroyed.....

You are an incredibly interesting guy!

My brothers called me چڑیل all the time.

You can even call someone چڑیل out of love here...

We have another word for negative witch that is:


No one wants to be called that 😂🤣

Apparently your brothers know your character and abilities well ))))

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